Always Clueless ~ [WE - WEEK 135]

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If there was a way I could create another Sunday to make it two Sundays before the beginning of a new week or work week, I would personally and joyfully do that.

😆, I remember telling a friend of mine a few weeks ago because of the thought of the beginning of the work day and all the days "Mondays".

I have always dreaded Mondays right from childhood and can still remember days my mom had to force me to wake up, by trashing me mercilessly so I don't end up going to school late but I always end up going to school late especially Mondays because there are never my days 🤦🏼‍♀️.

For someone whose weekends are most times piled up with one event or the order with little or no time for herself, who wouldn't want to create a spare day or free day called Sunday? I can not see myself or imagine myself creating another day called Saturday because those days are always for chores from home chores to personal chores and no time at the end of the day to enjoy the weekend.

Sunday feels like the end of the weekend
Sunday means the next day is a work day for most...How do you feel knowing the weekend is almost over and how do you plan ahead for a great working week? Write a post of at least 300 words.

I mean, imagine having two Sundays at the end of a week and before the beginning of a new week or perhaps not having Mondays at all as part of the days of a week, for me, the end of a week " Sunday", and the beginning of a new week "Monday" never always goes as planned no matter how hard I try to plan or prepare for the new week, it always ends up an unplanned week, with little or nothing to do make up for it.

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Maybe, just maybe, in my next life, I will try giving God an idea about having two Sundays added to the days of the week or better still not having Mondays as the beginning of a week because it's never my favourite day, it is always a sluggish, tired and dull day for me to begin with.

So, just giving everyone a heads up, just in case we all come back in our next life and realize we have eight days in a week instead of seven or we do not begin the new week with Mondays first, just know that I finally had the opportunity to meet God one on one and had a deep talk about these days of the week because it's always heartbreaking to realize Boom! We are already marching into Monday with a limping half-leg🦵, thoughts scattered everywhere, one eye 😉, and clueless about everything and of what to do or what the new week holds for me.

This is my entry to the Weekend-Engagement writing prompts: WEEK 135 give it a try and have a lot of fun while on that.


When you say you wish we had two Sundays, I kept thinking " but we already do! - Saturday and Sunday". But then you could also mean, you wish we had three weekends, that's Saturday, Sunday and Sunday again.
In that case, I honestly think one Sunday is enough😅.
I understand that sometimes the weekend feels so short but no matter how long the weekends are we will still feel stressed on mondays😂. Speaking from experience.

Nice article!
