My bad experience with coffee Part 2 EN/ES.

Hello to all coffee lovers....

How are you spending your Friday, day that marks the end of the weekly day and day that we all long for when we start Monday, of course, although me being my own boss every day is a working day for me haha.

In today's post I want to share a second part of my bad experiences with coffee, but this time it has nothing to do with salt or my family, this time it is much worse and now that I was remembering I think it was quite a humiliation for my parents in public :|


To put it in context, since I was little and went with my family to a party, it is normal to meet friends or acquaintances and if not a 7 year old will be running around and especially chasing the tray of food that is distributed to the guests.

Well, coincidentally, the friends I had always chased the food tray around the party looking for snacks and soda, and to drink as much soda as possible, my friends and I competed to see who finished the glass of soda first, so it was already a bad habit that I got to adopt as a child.


Now, I remember one occasion when a friend of my mother's passed away from cancer and as she was a very kind lady and well known by everyone in my town, a huge funeral was held in her name to honor her memory, and coincidentally at that funeral were also my party friends, who with whom I clearly started running around chasing those who were handing out snacks for those present.

And although that was already embarrassing my parents because I was making them look bad at the wrong time, the worst came later when my friends and I saw that someone was handing out soda on a tray for the guests, so I rushed to grab a glass and drink it as fast as possible, but it was hot coffee and it burned my tongue.


But not only that, I also shouted: "Who would think of handing out this hot crap in soda glasses'"' And everyone at the funeral was silent and saw me, and as I was the center of attention as I made my parents spend a lot of embarrassment and although my mother did not scold me in front of everyone if she did at home and that was much worse haha.

Now from this bad experience I got an important lesson that even in my adulthood I still apply, which is to never chase anyone who gives out something at a party and of course much less who gives out drinks at a funeral, also eating calmly what is given out also reminds me how harmful it can be to act hastily hahaha.

I thought that after the first part there was no more, but since I was a little boy I was too hasty, I have other bad experiences with coffee that I will talk about later, so far this has been all, let me know in the comments if you have had any similar experience, thank you very much for reading my publication, I hope you have a happy day, see you next time :D


Hola a todos los amantes del café...

Como están pasando su viernes, día que marca el final de la jornada semanal y día que todos anhelamos cuando empezamos el lunes, claro, aunque yo como soy mi propio jefe todos los días son laborables para mi jaja.

En la publicación de hoy quiero compartir una segunda parte de mis malas experiencias con el café, pero esta vez no tiene nada que ver con sal o con mi familia, esta vez es mucho peor y ahora que estaba acordándome pienso que fue toda una humillación para mis padres en público :|


Para entrar en contexto, desde que yo era pequeño e iba con mi familia a una fiesta, es normal encontrarse con amigos o conocidos y si no pues un niño de 7 años estará corriendo por todos lados y sobre todo persiguiendo a la bandeja de comida que se les reparte a los invitados.

Y bueno casualmente los amigos que tenía siempre perseguían la bandeja de comida por toda la fiesta en busca de snacks y refresco, y para tomar la mayor cantidad de refresco posible, mis amigos y yo competíamos para ver quien se terminaba el vaso de refresco primero, así que ya era una mala costumbre que llegue a adoptar de pequeño.


Ahora, recuerdo una ocasión que una amiga de mi madre falleció de cáncer y como era una señora muy amable y conocida por todos en mi ciudad, se hizo un enorme funeral en su nombre para honrar su memoria, y casualmente en ese funeral también estaban mis amigos de fiesta, que con los que claramente comencé a correr por todos lados persiguiendo a quienes repartían bocadillos para los presentes.

Y aunque ya eso le estaba dando mucha vergüenza a mis padres porque los estaba haciendo quedar mal en un momento equivocado, lo peor llego después cuando mis amigos y yo vemos que alguien está repartiendo refresco en una bandeja para los invitados, así que yo me apresuro a tomar un vaso y bebérmelo lo más rápido posible, pero era café caliente y me quemo la lengua.


Pero no solo eso, también grité: "¿A quién se le ocurre repartir esta porquería caliente en vasos de refresco'"' Y todos en el funeral se quedaron en silencia y me vieron, y como era el centro de atención pues hice pasar mucha vergüenza a mis padres y aunque mi madre no me regaño en frente de todos si lo hizo en casa y eso fue mucho peor jaja.

Ahora de esta mala experiencia me quedo una lección importante que aun en mi adultes sigo aplicando, que es nunca perseguir a quien reparte algo en una fiesta y claro mucho menos a quien reparte bebidas en un funeral, además comer con calma lo que se reparta también me recuerda lo perjudicial que puede ser actuar con precipitación jajaja.

Yo pensaba que después de la primera parte no había más, pero como desde pequeño era un niño demasiado precipitado pues tengo otras malas experiencia con café que hablare más adelante, hasta ahora esto ha sido todo, hazme saber en los comentarios si has tenido alguna experiencia similar, muchas gracias por leer mi publicación, espero que tengas un feliz día, nos vemos hasta una próxima ocasión :D


Hello @fabian98
That's a very funny coffee story about being a kid and getting burnt with hot coffee.

This story reminds me of an incident I will never forget, and chuckle every time I remember it:

"When I was about 7 years old, I went to a birthday party. When they were making speeches, a little boy about my age attempted to help himself to some cheese curls on a platter on the birthday table. His mum slapped him on his hand and whispered.

Leave it! Patient man ride donkey."

The little boy shouted back loudly at his mum and said:

"I don't want to ride a jackass."

Which interrupted the speech at the party.

That phrase is a usual one used in Jamaica, meaning:
"If we only wait without murmuring, then good things will eventually come our way. So instead of walking long miles, we get a nice donkey ride."

So I guess this same phrase could have been used for you and your friends who were impatient for the food.
We all were the same as kids...

Thanks for stopping by:)


Hey great experience hahaha, here in my country the equivalent of that saying would be:

"El que mucho aprieta poco abarca".

This to refer to the impatient or those who want everything fast.

They also said it to me haha.

And it's true we were all like that when we were kids, but they are good memories that remain, thank you very much for commenting, and sorry for the late reply, I was sick and resting. I hope you have a good day :D


That's a funny story. I imagine it would be quite painful to gulp down hot coffee like that.


Yes, it's true hahaha I think that's why I'm no longer impulsive at parties chasing the tray of snacks hahaha. Thank you very much for your comment.


Reading bad story your Coffee, reminds me of my nephew. if I was watching TV at home, and put coffee near me sitting on the carpet, he was always running around. really scares me, if the coffee will spill because tripping on my feet makes her feet scald. LOL
I think now he is big boy already😃


Haha something similar also happened to me, but with my brother, thank God that the coffee was already warm and not super hot because otherwise it would have been an accident. Thank you very much for commenting :D
