The Good Nurse - Evil lurks among the least expected people [EN/ES]


Many people celebrate the dead on these dates, others tell stories of the dead and spirits, others dress up and scare others with jokes or traditions. But whoever the person is, they all have something in common and that is that they have some fear of the dead, this is because of the mysticism or mystery that surrounds this topic. But one thing you can be very sure of is that you have to be more afraid of the living than the dead, and this new Netflix movie The Good Nurse proves it, where we see up close the life of Charles Cullen one of the most metal serial killers in history, who is attributed with approximately more than 400 murders.

Muchas personas en estas fechas celebran a los muertos, otras cuentan historias de muertos y espíritus, otras se disfrazan y asustan a otros con bromas o por tradiciones. Pero sea cual sea la persona todos tienen algo en común y es que tienen algún miedo a los muertos, esto por el misticismo o misterio que encierran este tema. Pero de algo si se puede estar muy seguro y es que hay que tener más miedo a los vivos que a los muertos, y esta nueva película de Netflix The Good Nurse así lo demuestra, donde vemos de cerca la vida de Charles Cullen uno de los asesinos en serie más metales de la historia, a quien se le atribuyen aproximadamente más de 400 asesinatos.


Why do I start talking about the fear that people have of the dead and the legends or stories that this generates? because it is true, I have known people who spent a lot of money on amulets, protective images, rites and other things to protect themselves from the dead and spirits, but never bought a good security system for their home or were never careful to go out on the street, and well some of them were not killed by a dead person or a spirit but by a living person with a gun or a dagger to steal it.

And the fact is that the living have thoughts and emotions that we do not know and that is what causes the greatest danger, the fact that you do not know what a person thinks makes your life in danger. Of course I am not saying that you have to lock yourself in a bubble and not leave the house. But we must keep in mind that it is not the dead who harm us, it is the living people and their evil intentions. And as you will see in the movie The Good Nurse or the angel of death for Latin America, this is so. Although the protagonist Cullen killed many people, employers and co-workers never suspected that Charlie Cullen was a very dangerous serial killer. And, although on the outside he seemed like a good guy concerned about his friends and patients, the truth is that he was evil with evil intentions and desires that consumed him and drove him to evil.

¿Porque comienzo hablando del miedo que tienen las personas a los muertos y las leyendas o cuentos que de esto se genera? porque es cierto, yo he conocido personas que se gastaban un dineral en amuletos, imágenes protectoras, ritos y demás cosas, para protegerse de los muertos y los espíritus, pero nunca compraron un buen sistema de seguridad para su casa o nunca fueron prudentes para salir a la calle, y bueno a algunos de ellos no los mato un muerto o un espíritu sino una persona viva con una pistola o un puñal para robarlo.

Y es que los vivos tienen pensamientos y emociones que no conocemos y eso es lo que causa mayor peligro, el que tu no conozcas lo que piensa una persona hace que tu vida corra peligro. Claro no estoy diciendo que hay que encerrarse en una burbuja y no salir de la casa. Pero si hay que tener en cuenta que no son los muertos los que nos hacen daño, son las personas vivas y sus malas intenciones. Y como podrás ver en la película The Good Nurse o el ángel de la muerte para Latinoamérica, esto es así. Ya que, aunque el protagonista Cullen mato a muchas personas, los empleadores y compañeros de trabajo nunca sospecharon que Charlie Cullen era un asesino serial muy peligroso. Y es que, aunque por fuera parecía un buen tipo preocupado por sus amigos y pacientes, la verdad es que era alguien malvado con malas intenciones y deseos que lo consumían y empujaban al mal.


I watched this movie on Saturday night, after my wife and I had a good marathon of Star Wars The Bad Batch and Star Wars Tales of a Jedi, since we had nothing to do and since we were not sleepy at all because of the flu meds, we decided to watch a movie from these new Netflix recommendations to see how it was, I had previously read on the BBC about the new Netflix success story The Angel of Death of a nurse who became famous for reporting her friend who was a murderer. And since the crime and suspense genre appeals to me, I gave this movie a chance (since I was coming extremely disappointed from watching The Stranger movie but I'll talk about that later).

The plot of the movie is something we could all relate to, as we see Amy Logren a nurse who is a single mother struggling with life to keep her family afloat while at the same time suffering from a severe chronic illness that is about to kill her. Amy works very hard, as she needs to meet the minimum seniority requirement to qualify for health insurance so she doesn't have to keep paying for expensive visits and expensive treatment. While Amy struggles to stay alive, a new patient, Charles Cullen, arrives at the hospital where she works, a kind and friendly man who quickly befriends Amy, as they talk and support each other to try to cope with the day to day.

Yo vi esta película el sábado por la noche, luego de que mi esposa y yo nos dimos un buen maratón de Star Wars The Bad Batch y Star Wars Tales of a Jedi, como no teníamos nada que hacer y como no teníamos nada de sueño por las medicinas para la gripe, decidimos ver una película de estas nuevas recomendaciones de Netflix para ver que tal, yo previamente a eso había leído en la BBC sobre la nueva y exitosa historia de Netflix El Ángel de la Muerte de una enfermera que se hizo famosa por denunciar a su amigo que era un asesino. Y como el género de crimen y suspenso me gusta, le di una oportunidad a esta película (ya que venía sumamente decepcionado de ver la película The Stranger pero hablare de eso luego).

La trama de la película es algo con lo que todos pudiéramos identificarnos, ya que vemos a Amy Logren una enfermera que es madre soltera y que lucha con la vida para mantener a flote a su familia mientras que al mismo tiempo padece una enfermedad crónica severa que esta apunto de matarla. Amy trabaja muy duro, ya que necesita lograr el requisito mínimo de antigüedad para optar por el seguro médico y así no tener que seguir pagando consultas costosas y tratamiento muy caro. Mientras Amy lucha por mantenerse viva, llega al hospital donde trabaja un nuevo enfermado Charles Cullen, un amable y simpático hombre que rápidamente se gana la amistad de Amy, ya que conversan y se apoyan para tratar de sobrellevar el día a día.


But out of nowhere, several hospital patients who were not there for serious causes begin to die suddenly and violently suffering heart attacks, no one suspects anything and believe that everything has been by chance. But an internal investigation of the hospital revealed that a patient died from causes outside the normal and had a drug that should not be provided, so they go to the police, but as the hospital takes care of the backs of the demands tries to prevent the police to seek the truth because, although they go to the police do not give them enough evidence to investigate, so Amy is discovering the truth and helping the police to get to give with the murderer. If you want to know more I invite you to watch the movie I recommend you will not regret it, it is really good.

Speaking of the plot, the main actors are Eddie Redmayne who is Charlie Cullen and Jessica Chastain who is Amy Loughren, the performance of Eddie Redmayne is fantastic, as it combines perfectly with the character of Charlie Cullen, his intentions, behavior, psychopathy among other emotions that Eddie Redmayne plays flawlessly. And he does it too since in other films like The Danish Girl and The Theory of Everything he gets so much into the role that it is very comfortable to see him in this film where he plays a serial killer.

Pero de la nada, varios pacientes del hospital que no estaban allí por causas graves comienzan a morir de manera repentina y violenta sufriendo ataques cardiacos, nadie sospecha de nada y creen que todo ha sido por alguna casualidad. Pero una investigación interna del hospital revelo que una paciente murió por causas fuera de lo normales y que tenía un medicamento que no se le debía suministrar, así que se acude a la policía, pero como el hospital se cuida las espaldas de las demandas trata de impedir que la policía busque la verdad ya que, aunque acuden a la policía no les dan la suficiente evidencia para investigar, así que Amy va descubriendo la verdad y ayudando a la policía a llegar hasta con dar con el asesino. Si quieres saber más te invito a ver la película te recomiendo que no te arrepentirás, está muy buena de verdad.

Hablando de la trama, los actores principales que son Eddie Redmayne que es Charlie Cullen y Jessica Chastain que es Amy Loughren, la actuación de Eddie Redmayne es fantástica, ya que combina perfectamente con el personaje de Charlie Cullen, sus intenciones, comportamiento, psicopatía entre otras emociones que Eddie Redmayne interpreta de manera impecable. Y es que lo hace tambien ya que en otras películas como la chica danesa y La teoría del todo se mete tanto en el papel que resulta muy cómodo verlo en esta película donde hace de asesino serial.


And if we talk about Jessica Chastain she also acts wonderfully, she even has the face as if she worked 18 hours a day, another thing is that I notice a little wink to another movie where Jessica Chastain acts which is The Help or crossed stories at the beginning of the movie when she gives a kind of kitchen to the nanny who takes care of her two daughters. Also, the fear and desperation that Jessica shows when she discovers what her co-worker has done is so genuine that you can also gasp and get your heart racing just watching her, no doubt she is wonderful.

Finally, it is really impressive how the film shows in a clear way the great hypocrisy of the hospitals in the Cullen case, since for 16 years and until now they never showed their faces regarding the great average negligence they showed by having a murderer among their nurses. They simply passed him from one hospital to another, they never made Cullen responsible for so many similar deaths in the hospitals or also for the great lack of specific medicines that were lost and they never opened an investigation because of the lawsuits that the hospitals could suffer. This gives us to understand the great power of the laws and how the only thing that really matters is the money for these health companies.

Y si hablamos de Jessica Chastain tambien actúa de manera maravillosa, incluso tiene la cara como si trabajara 18 horas al día, otra cosa es que note un pequeño giño a otra película donde Jessica Chastain actúa que es The Help o historias cruzadas al principio de la película cuando le da un tipo de cocina a la niñera que cuida de sus dos hijas. Además, el miedo y desesperación que Jessica muestra cuando descubre lo que ha hecho su compañero de trabajo es tan genuino que tambien se te puede ir el aire y acelerarte el corazón con solo verla, sin duda es maravillosa.

Por último, es realmente impresionante como la película muestra de manera clara la gran hipocresía de los hospitales en el caso Cullen, ya que por 16 años y hasta ahora nunca dieron la cara con respecto a la gran negligencia media que mostraban al tener un asesino entre sus enfermeros. Simplemente lo pasaban de un hospital a otro, nunca hicieron responsable a Cullen por tantas muertes similares en los hospitales o tambien por la gran falta de medicamentos en específico que se perdían y que nunca llegaron a abrir una investigación por las demandas que podían sufrir los hospitales. Lo que nos da a entender la gran podían de las leyes y como lo único que realmente importa es el dinero para estas empresas de la salud.


This is something that happens in real life, of course in Venezuela or the hospital system in my country, I do not know if there is anyone who kills people the way Cullen did, but if there are murders by negligence half very blatant and that no one investigates since they would not get anywhere, because the health system in my country is free no one is responsible for that. Even in hospitals people die because those who attend to emergency cases are inexperienced people or interns who only do more harm than good.

So if the movie is a criticism of what happened in New Jersey between the nineties and the 2000's it can also be applied to the whole world, since there are similar things everywhere. Besides, as I mentioned at the beginning of this review, the one we should really fear is not the dead, they are just as the word means lifeless. On the other hand, the living are to be feared, and the case of Charlie Cullen tells us so, and the same happens with so many serial killers who have done so much damage to people in history, none of them was dead when he killed a person.

Thank you very much for reading this review, I hope you liked it, the images used are not mine, so below are the sources from where I took them, see you until a next review.

Esto es algo que pasa en la vida real, claro en Venezuela o el sistema hospitalario de mi país, no sé si hay alguien que mate personas de la manera como lo hacía Cullen, pero si hay asesinatos por negligencia media muy descarados y que nadie investiga ya que no llegarían a ningún lado, debido a que el sistema de salud de mi país es gratis nadie se responsabiliza por eso. Incluso en los hospitales las personas mueren porque los que atienden lo casos de emergencia son personas sin experiencia o pasantes que solo hacen más mal que bien.

Así que si la película es una crítica a lo que paso en Nueva jersey entre los noventa y los 2000's tambien se puede aplicar a todo el mundo, ya que hay cosas similares en todos lados. Además, como mencione al principio de esta reseña, a quien deveras debemos temer no es a los muertos, ellos están tal como la palabra significa sin vida. En cambio, los vivos a ellos si hay que temerles, y el caso de Charlie Cullen nos lo dice así, y así mismo pasa con tantos asesinos seriales que han hecho tanto daño a personas en la historia, ninguno de ellos estaba muerto cuando mato a una persona.

Muchas gracias por leer esta reseña, espero que te haya gustado, las imágenes usadas no son mías, por eso más abajo están las fuentes de donde las tome, nos vemos hasta una próxima reseña.

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That sociopath killed a lot of people. It's terrifying to think of how many people died because of that man's madness. I liked the performances, but I felt it lacked a little more depth into the psyche of the killer. It is a good production, but it could have been better. Well, in Venezuela there are no socipata nurses like this one, but the government kills you by not maintaining the hospitals with supplies.


And to think he still did not give a reason as to why he did that makes him even more insane! I liked that Amy saw through the whole facade and stood up against him.


You're right, the psychopathic essence was a little weak, I thought it was going to uncover well when in the cafe threatened amy, but it was nothing more, I think they tried to reflect well the personality of the murderer, I imagine that cullen is really quiet.


People fear the dead like it is not the living, one way or another, that made them that way. The living are the ones to be feared; the ones that are alive but with dead conciousness - actual "walking dead."

This may just be a film, but in true sense, it is a reflection of what really happens in reality. People play big roles in the bad things that happen just by ignoring them. For a hospital to notice some irregularities and do nothing about it is just real bad.

Heroes don't need capes, and Amy is a true one. For a fact that she was able to see through that facade Cullen was putting, and acting promptly, is just absolute bravery.


Very true what you say about the living with a dead conscience doing things like that, it is totally true, as it leads them to do ruthless things like cullen.

and yes, amy is quite a hero, she had to face her worst fears, since cullen was with her daughters and she didn't know, that was terrifying, thanks for commenting.


I have this movie in my to-watch list, I have read many good things about it and the 2 main cast members are extremely talented people so that's another reason to give it a watch. Hopefully I can do it soon, I have a lot of productions I want to watch but have been unable to do so so far hehe. Cheers mate.
