Bookmails!!! Agatha Christie Books and Others 📚📚



On Monday, April 10th, I received a lot of books delivered by couriers to my house. There were 3 packages. The first package that came contained 2 tts (teka-teki silang/crossword puzzle) books. The next two packages were 4 storybooks.

Hari Senin 10 April aku kedatangan banyak buku yang diantar para kurir ke rumahku. Ada 3 buah paket. Paket pertama yang datang berisi 2 buah buku tts (teka-teki silang). Dua paket setelahnya adalah 4 buah buku cerita.

The 2 tts books that I ordered (that were supposed to come) were TTS Ringan Kompas 2 and TTS Sulit Kompas 2. But what came were TTS Sulit Kompas 2 and TTS Pilihan Kompas 2.

2 buah buku tts yang kupesan (yang seharusnya datang) adalah TTS Ringan Kompas 2 dan TTS Sulit Kompas 2. Tapi yang datang adalah TTS Sulit Kompas 2 dan TTS Pilihan Kompas 2.

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The 4 storybooks that came were:

4 buah buku cerita yang datang adalah:

• Harry Potter dan Pangeran Berdarah Campuran (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) by J.K. Rowling
• Pasangan Detektif (Partners in Crime) by Agatha Christie
• Tiga Belas Kasus (The Thirteen Problems) by Agatha Christie
• Pembunuh di Balik Kabut (Why didn't They Ask Evans) by Agatha Christie

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Harry Potter dan Pangeran Berdarah Campuran (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) is the sixth book in the Harry Potter series. I've read the previous five books. Now I have completed the boxset with seven books with the spines continuing one to another. The spines depict Harry with the animals.

Harry Potter dan Pangeran Berdarah Campuran (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) adalah buku keenam dari serial Harry Potter. Aku sudah membaca lima buku yang sebelumnya. Kini aku sudah melengkapi boxset dengan tujuh buku dengan spine-spine yang bersambung satu sama lain. Spine-spine tersebut menggambarkan Harry dengan hewan-hewan.

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When Dumbledore arrives one summer evening at Privet Drive to pick up Harry Potter, his wand-hand is black and wrinkled, but he does not say why.
Secrets and suspicion spread in the wizarding world, and Hogwarts itself is not safe. Harry is sure that Malfoy has the Dark Mark.
Harry will need powerful magic and true friends as he investigates Voldemort's darkest secrets, and Dumbledore prepares him to face the destiny...

Ketika pada suatu malam musim panas Dumbledore tiba di Privet Drive untuk menjemput Harry Potter, tangannya yang memegang tongkat sihir tampak menghitam dan mengerut, namun dia tidak menceritakan penyebabnya.
Rahasia dan kecurigaan menyebar di dunia sihir, dan Hogwarts sendiri tidak aman. Harry yakin Malfoy memiliki Tanda Kegelapan.
Harry akan membutuhkan sihir kuat dan teman-teman sejati saat dia menyelidiki rahasia-rahasia terkelam Voldemort, dan Dumbledore mempersiapkannya untuk menghadapi takdir...

The other three storybooks are works of Agatha Christie, Queen of Crime Stories. Two collections of short stories and one novel. Now I have 9 Agatha Christie books.

Tiga buku cerita lainnya adalah karya Agatha Christie, Ratu Cerita Kriminal. Dua kumpulan cerita pendek dan satu novel. Sekarang aku memiliki 9 buku Agatha Christie.

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Tiga Belas Kasus (The Thirteen Problems) is a collection of short stories with the character Miss Marple. I have finished 1 Miss Marple novel entitled Pembunuhan di Wisma Pendeta (The Murder at the Vicarage).

Tiga Belas Kasus (The Thirteen Problems) adalah kumpulan cerita pendek dengan tokoh Miss Marple. Aku telah menamatkan 1 novel Miss Marple yang berjudul Pembunuhan di Wisma Pendeta (The Murder at the Vicarage).

Pasangan Detektif (Partners in Crime) is a collection of short stories with the characters Tommy and Tuppence. Prior to this collection of short stories, Tommy and Tuppence's story was presented by Agatha Christie in the novel The Secret Adversary.

Pasangan Detektif (Partners in Crime) adalah kumpulan cerita pendek dengan tokoh Tommy dan Tuppence. Sebelum kumpulan cerita pendek ini, kisah Tommy dan Tuppence disajikan Agatha Christie dalam novel The Secret Adversary.

Pembunuh di Balik Kabut (Why didn't They Ask Evans) is an Agatha Christie novel which is similar to her famous book entitled Lalu Semuanya Lenyap (And Then There were None), I mean this book doesn't tell about Poirot or any of other popular detectives.

Pembunuh di Balik Kabut (Why didn't They Ask Evans) adalah novel Agatha Christie yang sejenis dengan buku terkenalnya yang berjudul Lalu Semuanya Lenyap (And Then There were None), maksudku buku ini tidak menceritakan tokoh Poirot atau detektif-detektif populer lain.

Let's get excited about reading books, friends!!

Ayo semangat membaca buku, teman-teman semua!!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am now an unofficially bachelor of science. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. I also watch many movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.
