I Won a Review Competition, Got a Book Package Containing 5 Books

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I took part in a kind of competition held by one of the biggest publishers in Indonesia, namely Elex (PT Elex Media Komputindo). This kind of competition was challenging to review a book published by Elex this year, uploaded to an Instagram post with several conditions. The 13 best reviewers were given a THR (Tunjangan Hari Raya/Holiday Allowance in English) giveaway, 3 people each got voucher + a book package, 10 people each got a book package.

Aku mengikuti semacam lomba yang diadakan oleh salah satu penerbit terbesar di Indonesia, yaitu Elex (PT Elex Media Komputindo). Semacam lomba ini menantang untuk mereview buku terbitan Elex tahun ini, upload di postingan instagram dengan beberapa syarat. 13 orang pereview terbaik diberikan giveaway THR (Tunjangan Hari Raya), 3 orang mendapat masing-masing voucher + sebuah paket buku, 10 orang mendapat masing-masing sebuah paket buku.


And... I was one of those 10 people, hehe. I was reviewing Detektif Conan Secret Archives: Shinichi Kudo & Ran Mouri. Only then did I get THR in the form of a book package, usually THR is given by people on Eid al-Fitr holiday in the form of money.

Dan... aku adalah salah satu di antara 10 orang itu, hehe. Aku mereview Detektif Conan Secret Archives: Shinichi Kudo & Ran Mouri. Baru kali itu aku mendapatkan THR berupa paket buku, biasanya THR diberikan orang-orang di hari raya Idul Fitri berupa uang.



The book package arrived a few days ago. Contained 5 books, namely: Petualangan Seperempat Abad (The Adventure of a Quarter Century in English), The Screw People - Volume 3, Apa yang Harus Dilakukan Ketika Mesin Melakukan Semuanya / What to Do When Machines Do Everything, The Promised Neverland - Volume 17, and DEARBOYS OVERTIME - Volume 3.

Paket bukunya sampai beberapa hari yang lalu. Berisi 5 buah buku, yaitu: Petualangan Seperempat Abad, The Screw People - Volume 3, Apa yang Harus Dilakukan Ketika Mesin Melakukan Semuanya / What to Do When Machines Do Everything, The Promised Neverland - Volume 17, dan DEARBOYS OVERTIME - Volume 3.


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Petualangan Seperempat Abad



📎 Author: Haris Firmansyah
📎 Type: Literature
📎 Java Price: IDR 50,000

📎 Pengarang: Haris Firmansyah
📎 Jenis: Literatur
📎 Harga Pulau Jawa: Rp50.000



For the average person, twenty-five means having a steady, well-paying job. They can get some coffee at noon at Starbucks without thinking about what to eat tomorrow, even though they have a car loan and a mortgage. Have a partner who will fill their dream house who is ready to cook a delicious dinner, and a person who will fill the next seat while listening to sad rants while at the office.

Yes, that's what people say. Actually I'm also a person, but unfortunately I haven't led to that. Bad luck. My status at the office is still a contract employee, I still live at my parents house, I just broke up with my future wife last week because I wasn't as stable as she imagined. And now I'm trying to find myself in the face of a quarter life crisis at this age.

Bagi orang-orang kebanyakan, usia dua puluh lima berarti sudah punya pekerjaan tetap dengan gaji lumayan. Bisa ngopi siang-siang di Starbuck tanpa mikirin besok makan sama apa meski punya cicilan mobil sama KPR. Punya pasangan yang bakal mengisi rumah impian yang siap sedia memasakkan makan malam yang lezat, dan sosok yang bakal mengisi jok sebelah sambil mendengarkan curhatan-curhatan mumet selama di kantor.

Iya, itu curhatannya orang-orang. Sebenarnya gue juga orang, tapi sayangnya belum mengarah ke sana. Boro-boro. Status di kantor masih pegawai kontrak, rumah masih numpang di orangtua, baru saja diputusin sama calon istri minggu lalu gara-gara gue belum semapan yang dibayangkan. Dan sekarang gue sedang berusaha menemukan diri gue dalam menghadapi quarter life crisis di usia sekarang.

The Screw People - Volume 3


📎 Author: Tamiki Wakaki
📎 Type: Comic
📎 Java Price: IDR 25,000

📎 Pengarang: Tamiki Wakaki
📎 Jenis: Komik
📎 Harga Pulau Jawa: Rp25.000



I can't give you the answer you want. However, I can help you think. Maybe no matter how hard you think, you still can't reach that answer. Even so, we can say with confidence and pride, "Let's keep turning the screws in our heads". Surely ahead there will be a world that you have never seen so far. The last volume of "The Screw People"

Aku tak bisa memberikan jawaban yang kamu inginkan. Namun, aku bisa membantumu berpikir. Mungkin sekeras apa pun kamu berpikir, kamu tetap tak bisa mencapai jawaban itu. Meski begitu, kita bisa mengatakan dengan yakin dan bangga, "Mari terus putar sekrup di kepala kita". Pasti di depan sana akan terlihat dunia yang tak pernah kamu lihat selama ini. Volume terakhir "The Screw People"

Apa yang Harus Dilakukan Ketika Mesin Melakukan Semuanya / (What to Do When Machines Do Everything)



📎 Authors: Malcolm Frank, Paul Roehrig, Ben Pring
📎 Type: Business Book
📎 Java Price: IDR 72,800

📎 Pengarang: Malcolm Frank, Paul Roehrig, Ben Pring
📎 Jenis: Buku Bisnis
📎 Harga Pulau Jawa: Rp72.800



When machines do everything, what will you do?

• Let a robot take your job?
• Uber your company?
• How will your industry be in 10 years?
• Will your children be better than you?

The rise of artificial intelligence is the best story of our time. Those who are successful in the advanced phase of the digital economy are not those who build new machines, but those who are able to use them.

This book is your guide.

Ketika mesin melakukan semuanya, apa yang akan Anda lakukan?

• Membiarkan robot mengambil pekerjaan Anda?
• Meng-Uber-kan perusahaan Anda?
• Bagaimana kondisi industri Anda 10 tahun nanti?
• Apakah anak-anak Anda akan jadi lebih baik dari Anda?

Kebangkitan kecerdasan buatan adalah kisah terbaik di masa kini. Mereka yang sukses dalam fase lanjutan ekonomi digital bukanlah orang yang membuat mesin baru, melainkan mereka yang mampu menggunakan mesin-mesin tersebut.

Buku ini adalah panduan Anda.

The Promised Neverland - Volume 17



📎 Authors: Kaiu Shirai (Story), Posuka Demizu (Art)
📎 Type: Comic
📎 Java Price: IDR 28,000

📎 Pengarang: Kaiu Shirai (Story), Posuka Demizu (Art)
📎 Jenis: Komik
📎 Harga Pulau Jawa: Rp28.000



After the declaration of annihilation of the demons, Norman and his army set off for the royal capital, where the queen and the five regen families gathered. Emma, ​​who tried to prevent him, headed to the royal capital. But, there's only a little time left!? O Immortal Children, face and defeat despair!

Check out this suspenseful fantasy story about the children's escape!!

Setelah deklarasi akan membinasakan iblis, Norman dan pasukannya berangkat menuju ke ibu kota kerajaan, tempat ratu dan lima keluarga regen berkumpul. Emma yang berusaha mencegahnya pun menuju ke ibu kota kerajaan. Tapi, waktu yang tersisa hanya tinggal sedikit!? Wahai Anak-Anak Abadi, hadapi dan kalahkan keputusasaan!

Simak kisah fantasi menegangkan seputar pelarian anak-anak ini!!




📎 Author: Hiroki Yagami
📎 Type: Comic
📎 Java Price: IDR 25,000

📎 Pengarang: Hiroki Yagami
📎 Jenis: Komik
📎 Harga Pulau Jawa: Rp25.000



This time the story of each member of Mizuho. Starting from Tsutomu, Toya, Fujiwara, Miura, and Aikawa. In the end, each member of Mizuho there were those who chose to continue their studies at a university that had active support for basketball, but there were also those who chose to continue their studies at a regular university. Then, what about Aikawa...?

Kali ini kisah tentang masing-masing anggota Mizuho. Mulai dari Tsutomu, Toya, Fujiwara, Miura, dan Aikawa. Masing-masing anggota Mizuho pada akhirnya ada yang memilih untuk melanjutkan studi ke universitas yang memiliki dukungan aktif pada basket, namun ada juga yang memilih melanjutkan studi ke universitas biasa. Lalu, bagaimana dengan Aikawa...?

Thank you for seeing this post!

Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. My favorite comics are The Promised Neverland, Detektif Conan. I also watch some movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.
