That is not love/Eso no es amor




All human beings have the need to love and be loved because we are all social beings who need to relate to other people, to live and procreate and lead a happy life. That is why we like to give love, to give affection and to feel that we also want to feel loved.

Todos los seres humanos tenemos la necesidad de amar y ser amado porque que todos somos seres sociables que necesitamos interactuar con otras personas, para vivir y procrearnos y para llevar una vida feliz. Por eso nos gusta dar amor, dar afecto y sentir que también nos quieren sentirnos amadas.

However, there are some behaviors that may seem like love and we feel it is not really so because they are feelings that create a very strong attachment to other people and certain behaviors that reflect a lot of love, but when they are in excess when they exceed the limits of normality and cease to be love and become something pathological.

Sin embargo, hay algunos comportamientos que pueden parecer amor y sentimos que en realidad no es así porque son sentimientos que crean un apego muy fuerte hacia otras personas y ciertos comportamientos que reflejan mucho amor, pero cuando están en exceso cuando sobrepasan los límites de la normalidad y dejan de ser amor para convertirse en algo patológico.

Many have the imperious need to find someone to be happy or be well is an addiction that is generated with the other person is true that when we are in love we want to be with that person, but the bad thing is to depend for everything on the partner who can not do other activities without the partner who can not be an hour or less a day without your partner are people who do not love herself and does not know what it is to appreciate his loneliness because if our well-being depends on someone else to love us, we only have emotional dependence.

Muchos tienen la imperiosa necesidad de encontrar a alguien para ser felices o estar bien es una adicción que se genera con la otra persona es cierto que cuando estamos enamorados queremos estar con esa persona, pero lo malo es depender para todo de la pareja quien no puede hacer otras actividades sin la pareja quien no puede estar una hora o menos al día sin su pareja son personas que no se quieren a sí mismas y no saben lo que es apreciar su soledad porque si nuestro bienestar depende de que otra persona nos quiera, solo tenemos dependencia emocional.

There are people who believe that love is to control the life of the other person, to take control of the life of the partner and that this person belongs to them is mine, I usually hear and some couples understand it that way and believe that it is good, that is not love, that is obsession.

Hay gente que cree que el amor es controlar la vida de la otra persona, tomar el control de la vida de la pareja y que esa persona que le pertenece sea mía, suelo escuchar y algunas parejas lo entienden así y creen que es bueno, eso no es amor, eso es obsesión.

excessive unfounded jealousy many people believe that when their partner jealousy is because they love them that adores them, but jealousy is very natural in a couple and it is logical that if you see your partner flirting with someone else or sending messages in secrets is valid to be upset and jealous, but what is not love unfounded jealousy that jealousy that does not allow us to share or with your family or with your friends or with people of your work that is not love is a deep insecurity that reflects through jealousy.

celos infundados excesivos muchas personas creen que cuando su pareja los cela es porque los ama que los adora, pero los celos son muy naturales en una pareja y es lógico que si ves a tu pareja coqueteando con alguien más o enviando mensajes en secretos es válido que te molestes y sientas celos, pero lo que no es amor los celos infundados esos celos que no nos permiten compartir ni con tu familia ni con tus amigos ni con la gente de tu trabajo eso no es amor es una profunda inseguridad que se refleja a través de los celos.

the comfort many people are in a relationship for the material because they have a partner that takes care of them that gives them and I proved them everything that they ask them that give them company and luxuries that takes them that brings them that is to say that it solves them the life and those people confuse that comfort and that placid and apparently happy life with love, but be careful because if that life and that comfort is over there is then where you have to see if what united the relationship was love or the easy and comfortable life in the need in the problems in the disease is where you see the value of people who truly love us.

la comodidad muchas personas están en una relación por lo material porque tienen una pareja que les cuida que les da y les probé todo lo que les piden que les da compañía y lujos que les lleva que les trae que es decir que les soluciona la vida y esas personas confunden esa comodidad y esa vida plácida y aparentemente feliz con el amor, pero cuidado porque si esa vida y esa comodidad se acaba ahí es entonces donde hay que ver si lo que unía la relación era el amor o la vida fácil y cómoda en la necesidad en los problemas en la enfermedad es donde se ve el valor de las personas que nos quieren de verdad.


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  • Apego no es amor.
  • Amor no es placer.
  • Celos son una respuesta emocional que surge ante el temor de perder algo o a alguien que se valora profundamente. Pero los celos matan.
  • Amor por comodidad es baja autoestima (sacrificio).

Buen punto, amigo tú lo tienes claro, pero mucha gente no lo comprende. Feliz tarde, bendiciones.


many people are in a relationship for the material because they have a partner that takes care of them that gives them and I proved them everything that they ask

This is the sad reality of things. Many people go into relationships because their partners can provide for them and once the partners stop providing, it becomes a huge problem.


That's the truth, that's why I think we should be more independent. And not depend on anyone.
Thank you very much for the visit, blessings.


A degree of idependence is really important. Especially for the ladies.

Do have a lovely day .


I'm agree about your opinion. In that's case it is better important to love ourselves and wait for the right true love to arrive instead of being surrounded with the obsession. I almost experiences and fall into obsession but luckily, I manage to get out of it. Now, even though I've hurting by the person I love, I would still secretly support and pray that person because that's how I proved my true love to them.


We love only when we are happy with ourselves. If we think we need a partner to be happy, we will end up obsessed. Thanks for the visit, blessings.
