World of lies



We lie about the money we earn we lie because we don't know how others will react to our ideals we lie because our parents are not prepared to know our true sexual orientation or that we are not the believing person they expected us to be we lie out of fear we lie so as not to hurt others we lie out of education we lie out of appearance we simply lie because since we were children consciously or unconsciously that is what we have not been taught to do we lie because although everyone claims to want the truth when we have it we end up disguising it with lies.

We lie when he asks us if we are well because that is the only way to avoid being asked more questions we lie on a date just to impress we lie on a job interview just to get the job we lie because it suits us we lie because everyone lies and those who usually say they hate lying or say they do not lie say it because emotionally and honestly they are idiots there are few people in this world who want the truth and if they want to know it is generally because they are people of science biology does not lie nor mathematics or geology or chemistry there may be miscalculations, but those who lie are people that is why any science that is based on contact with people will be heavily influenced by lies doctors psychologists often have to deal with the lies of their patients we are so stubborn that we put even when it hurts us even in justice the truth is malleable, interpretable and influenceable as the memory because in trials are often based on testimonies.

The beliefs we have about ourselves and the world are an accumulation of facts that for us are undeniable things that we must not prove because we know they are true and each of us firmly believing that we are the protagonist of the world so stuck in our character that it is easy to forget that all the people we have seen on the road of our life also believed to be the protagonists and each with their own lies that makes us feel unique and like it or not is our way of relating to each other. a world that was 100% sincere would be hard, harsh, unpleasant and in fact less interesting if characters like Santa Claus exist it is because reality is sometimes so boring that we have to lie to make it more interesting that is why we justify our lies and demonize the lies of others my lies have a deep logical and reasonable justification they have a reason to be while the lies of others are out of malice and insecurity manipulation.


We can never tell the truth, because we lie to ourselves with all the lies we spread.

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the photos published in this blog are my own property.


In the world of lies, flowers reflect the beauty and positivity of nature!


Lies are like black flowers with large thorns that come to occupy other plots, in a world plagued by so much deception. The only pure truth is nature.


Not as if the world is a den of lies (because other creatures are there who are honestly honest in their instinct.) It is because we humans like deceiving each other to take advantage. Many of our success stories is built on deceptions


Very true friend, thanks for the visit, blessings.
