Visualshots: Morning atmosphere with sunrise and moon In the Lhokseumawe-Aceh sea


Hi my friends

Good morning my friends in the visualshots community who we love together, today precisely in the morning from the trip at 5.30 WIB to 9.00 WIB I returned to land, The morning photo taking started at 6.20 WIB using my smartphone.The goal is to be achieved before the sun rises, so that's when my heart is happy as a lover of beautiful and natural nature, so I often Found a dawn that would soon disappear because the sun was about to rise red in the northeastern sky. I found a live photo shoot. I was in the ocean with the weather Which is very supportive, even the sea waves are very calm, like the water in a well or swimming pool.


After I focused on the northeastern part of the natural beauty when the sun started to rise and I looked towards the western part, it turned out that there was still a moon that was coming soon sunset, It felt complete that both of them accompanied me this morning so I didn't forget to take a photo of the moon which was still shining even though the light was starting to dim because it was about to be bright in the morning.



My friends, today is very different, I feel very satisfied and feel complete between dawn, sunrise and the moon, everything looks beautiful and I feel happy, Because behind it I have an interest in sharing through posts but basically I am a lover of the universe.

Below are several other photos of beautiful morning portraits that I have compiled, including the following, my friends










As for taking several photos of my photo shoot today, they were originally taken from photos on a Relmi 5i brand smartphone and I edited them with the Lightroom application and In writing English I use Google Translate

That's it friends for my post this time and welcome to meeting you again in the next post, all my friends in the visualshots community

Best regards Fanigunawan
