Foundations [ENG-ESP] Fundaciones


Philanthropic hypocritical disguises
Where with alms they turn to wash conscience
While the hyenas feed

Lobby, legal criminal organization
Lobbyists pressure senators and judges
Presidents or kings do not escape them

Dread Unseemly Satraps
Heinous brazen traitors
Heirs of those pygmy kings

That on the shores of equatorial Africa
They sold their children to colonial imperialism
And their daughters to sultans to fill their harems

Voracious elite that is not satiated with wealth
Food and drink, pleasure and recreation
They claim immolated victims on the altar of their perversion

Crooked and justice, straight call to murder
Disbelieving minorities proclaim that it humiliates, it is equality
Laws proclaim infinite rights without responsibility

Distorted language there is no sure meaning
Any word offends, it will be changed for another
Synonyms and euphemisms proliferate without stopping

Algorithm trying to escape
Ruthless censorship even in the comment
of the entire social network

Well, to the printed or digital press and television
Gagged and well trained only publish authorized song
Arepa muzzle and gold strap keeps her quiet

Shameless foundations, ignoble organizations
Shameless they publish their intentions
Of stealing and killing, decimating and enslaving humanity.

(Written in Spanish and translated with Google.)



Filantrópicos disfraces hipócritas
Donde con limosna prenden lavar conciencia
Mientras se nutren las hienas

Lobby, legal organización criminal
Cabilderos de presión a senadores y jueces
No se les escapan presidentes o reyes

Sátrapas pavorosos indecorosos
Traidores descarados atroces
Herederos de aquellos reyes pigmeos

Que en las costas del África ecuatorial
Vendían a sus hijos al imperialismo colonial
Y sus hijas a sultanes para llenar sus harenes

Élite voraz que no se sacia con riqueza
Comida y bebida, placer y recreación
Reclaman víctimas inmoladas en el altar de su perversión

Torcida ya la justicia, derecho llaman a asesinar
Minorías descreidas proclaman que humilla, es igualdad
Leyes proclaman infinitos derechos sin responsabilidad

Desvirtuado el lenguaje no hay significado seguro
Palabra cualquiera ofende, por otra se cambiará
Sinónimos y eufemismos proliferan sin parar

Tratando del algoritmo escapar
Censura despiadada hasta en el comentario
De toda la red social

Pues a la prensa impresa o digital y televisión
Amordazada y bien entrenada solo publica canción autorizada
Bozal de arepa y correa dorada la mantiene callada

Descaradas fundaciones, innobles organizaciones
Desvergonzadas publican sus intenciones
De robar y matar, diezmar y esclavizar a la humanidad.



Wow mind breaking this down a bit for a not so intelligent brain like mine? 😂 These words are so new and seem to mean more deeply than the poem itself.

Nice use of words though, you're good 🙌


@merit.ahama Thanks for the comment.
First of all, I write in Spanish and the words in English are the result of the Google translator, if the topic interests you, look for alternative news media that talk about Globalism, the 20 30 agenda of the World Economic Forum, the manipulation of the economy, the impression of fiat money and central bank digital money projects, social credit and the real reasons for wars, vaccines, pandemics and you will see reality in another way. The allegory of the movie Matrix or the comedy Don't look up.
Luck, health and peace.


Oh great! I get it now, will check it out.
Thanks 😊


Hi @felixmarranz, thank you for posting in The Ink Well. Please note that we are a short story community, and we only accept and curate short fiction. Please read our community rules, which are posted at the top of The Ink Well community home page. We hope you'll join us again with a short story.


Hello @theinkwell ell, I hope to participate soon with a short story and thank you very much for calling attention in such kind words. I trust not to incur another irregularity.
Thank you, health and peace.
