The ties that bind us together in trust lead us to great path


What could make a lover trust his partner so much that she is not easily convinced by the words of others. What could make a wife stand by his husband so much even in times of hard times. Well stories of people over the years have not made me know what exactly happens for one to be so much into the other that even when the worst comes they still stand up for the other.


So many twist in the scenes of life each day, so many turn around each second that passes by. We never get a constant figure all the time, but the behaviours which comes out of it makes these scenes a fun to watch. Sometimes you are filled with plenty of limes while other times you get to taste all the sweet juice of it around.

Now here we are with the realities of it being cast before us, as we grew up some of these things were only found in movies and we never thought for a second that they would have happened in reality for us to witness some. They are educative experiences which keep us on the path of life where we are to expect all manner of stuffs at any given time.


What would you have done if you wake up one day with a kid right by the door with her mom claiming your husband is the father of the child and she has come to give her back just because she can't afford her tuitions any more and it is time for him to perform his duty as a father. I could sense the shock that would be all over your face after hearing that.

But deep down within your husband all he remembers is that they were mates and he never really know if they for once had an affair.On the side of the child's mother she comes up with a perfect story of how they both had some alcohol during their last days of tertiary and went for a party at a friends place but he got up only to see her by his side and she never told him of anything since the whole place was filled with their mates who were all laying around the same premises.

Then all of a sudden she show up after six good years claiming she got pregnant for him but never disturbed him until now. In as much as his wife was angry she still thought for a second that the story of the lady had lapses. She just looked at the husband and still told him, she will accept the child until all the holes around the stories gets filled.

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