Fiery plays Walking Dead part 3: And my axe!

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In this episode we explored our parents drug store and spoke with other survivors. We found some energy bars and gave them to others. After that we spoke with Lilly and she told us that her dad found an elderly couple (our parents) in the office and threw them out to make sure that they dead. We also found out that Carley is good with a gun but not able to change batteries in the radio. Then we went to the office with Clem. There we found a photo of our family. Also a table was blocking a pharmacy doors. We asked Clem to help us move the table. She injured her finger and we had to find a first aid kit. Then Carley came and told us that she knows who we are. And that we killed a senator who was sleeping with our wife. Then we went back to a drug store. Then Glenn called us. He was stuck because zombies had him corned. We went with Carley to get Glenn back. Before being surrounded Glenn found that upstairs is a survivor. We killed some zombies and got a new weapon- awesome axe. Once we killed all zombies we met with the survivor girl. She was bitten. The girl asked us to give her a gun so she could end it all. We agreed to give her a gun and once she shot herself we returned to the drug store.

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