Spending My Weekend With Dengue Fever In A Packed Hospital

Hello my dear friends…
How do we usually spend our weekend? Obviously, being hospitalized is not one of the plan, ever. In this post, i will share about my activity started from last weekend. I was sick, have a stomachache and high fever for around 5-6 days. Its quite long time for a fever. Yet, i paid no mind to it because i used to have a running fever for almost 2 months. It was happened 7 years ago. It was also happened because i had too much stress on me and it affect my physical health too. That is something very usual for me since i was young. Whenever i had stress, i will get some kind of sickness. Most of the it was just fever. I thought this time was the same. Getting close to my wedding date put some kind of stress on my mind. That was until in one lively Saturday night, i feel like i almost died. I was sleeping in my mother’s room, it was midnight when i woke up. I woke up feeling something i had never experienced before. My body is cold, i dont have energy, i feel the life slipping away from me. I fought hard to stay conscious because i am so scared of what can possibly happen if i close my eyes. I felt that my body went into shock, its shaking uncontrollably. I felt a lot of pain in my life before but that one is my first experience. Its not the pain that scares me because the pain is very minimum. Its the helplessness and darkness that keep lurking around trying to take me away, its so scary.

My family rushed me to the nearest hospital. I was hooked with Iv immediately. The nurse also took my blood as soon as i was laid in the emergency room. One hour later, the doctor came and told me that i had a dengue fever. My platelets was in 30.000 while the normal person have around 150.000 platelets. I was in a worrying state and in need of a care immediately. It was Saturday night and i dont know what happened in the weekend because the hospital was packed with people. It makes me wondering. What makes hospital is so packed in the weekend? Is it normal or is that only that hospital? I needed to wait for 2 hours till i can finally get a room for myself. In that room, i need to share it with one other people. I feel so bad for my mother whom always be with me during my stay in hospital. I ended up stayed there for 5 days and my mom stayed with me during all of those nights. She must sleep in just a bed cover. It must be very uncomfortable. I feel bad all the time and all i want is just to get healthy so my mother doesnt have to have a hard time anymore.

I am home now even if i am not totally healthy yet. I feel better in the comfort of my home and when i can be around my family all the time. This dengue fever makes my skin looks so weird. Its red all over i feel like a crab. I wish that i can get a full recovery as soon as possible. Please take care of your health guys.


I hope you manage to recover fully and that there's no residual effects. Take care of yourself.


Thank you very much, i am better now. Hopefully you and your loved one always in good health too


That's good to hear, and thank you for your kind words.


Omg, only 30.000 that's just so low. But food thing you had admitted yourself immediately on the hospital anf didn't think twice. I hope you get better soonest.


30.000 is quite bad, thankfully i went immediately and get proper treatment so i am fine now. Hopefully you always be healthy.


It's spreading wildly in some part of our areas and I wish You and everyone a speedy and healthy recovery.

Take care!


I heard that its been widely spread lately, hope you and your family always be healthy


I imagine that it is very difficult to keep calm when the body is in a bad state. But the first thing that every patient must do is that: to be calm so that fear and uncertainty do not win the battle and make you lose control. The experience of this disease and other ailments, for the future, tells you that you should go to the doctor immediately, you should not let so many days pass with fever, since it is not normal to have fever for several days. Fever is not a disease, it is only a symptom that our body manifests to alert us that something is wrong in our body. Fever is a warning!
As for Dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes, but by saying "viral" it is also contagious. In tropical countries, this disease is very common. When a person is infected for the second time with the virus, they are at great risk of developing an even more serious illness, which can lead to death. You should have a very high fever, a red rash called "petechiae" which can appear in both types of dengue (dengue hemorrhagic fever and classic dengue). Your muscles and all your joints must also hurt a lot. It is very bad to feel this way, but you must take good care of yourself and follow the medical treatment. I have seen more serious cases, where the patient has profuse hemorrhage and goes into shock, even death.
Drink plenty of fluids and take painkillers under medical supervision. If the fever persists, run to the doctor!
Don't worry about your beautiful mother, she is just doing her "job" of taking care of you, that's how mothers are....
I hope you continue to get better every day so you can continue with your wedding preparations.
Greetings @firayumni from Venezuela

Me imagino que es muy difícil mantener la calma cuando el cuerpo está en mal estado. Pero lo primero que todo paciente debe hacer, es eso: estar calmado para que el miedo y la incertidumbre no gane la batalla y haga perder tu control. La experiencia de esa enfermedad y de otras dolencias, para un futuro, te dice que debes acudir al médico inmediatamente, no debes dejar pasar tantos días con fiebre, ya que no es nada normal tener fiebre por varios días. La fiebre no es una enfermedad, tan sólo es un síntoma que manifiesta nuestro organismo para alertarnos de que algo anda mal en nuestro cuerpo. ¡La fiebre avisa!
En cuanto al Dengue hemorrágico, es una enfermedad viral transmitida por los mosquitos, pero al decir "viral" también es contagiosa. En los paises tropicales es muy común esa enfermedad. Cuando una persona se contagiapor segunda vez con el virus tienen un gran riesgo en desarrollar dicha enfermedad aún más grave, que le puede producir la muerte. Presentar fiebre muy alta, un sarpullido rojo que le llaman "Petequias" las cuales pueden aparecer en los dos tipos de dengue (dengue hemorágico y dengue clásico). También te debieron doler mucho los músculos y todas las articulaciones. Es muy malo sentirse así, pero debes cuidarte mucho y seguir el tratamiento médico. He visto casos más graves, en donde el paciente presenta hemorragia profusa y llega a tener shock, hasta llegar a morir.
Toma mucho líquido y los analgésicos bajo vigilancia médica. Si persiste la fiebre ¡Corre al médico!
No te preocupes por tu linda madre, ella sólo hace su "trabajo" de cuidarte, así son las madres...
Espero que sigas mejorando cada día para que continúes con los preparativos de tu boda.
Saludos @firayumni desde Venezuela


Thank you for the lengthy messages. Its truly a big lesson to me to never underestimate fever. All of this time i thought that fever is just a minor disturbance in our body but to think that it can lead to something as scary as death without proper treatment is horrific


Cuidate mucho, con responsabilidad, recuerda que es tu vida!

Take care of yourself responsibly, remember it's your life!
