[PT-BR/EN] Back to the classroom

Olá, SkateHivers! Todos bem?
Minha amiga Lumiar Baker é professora em turmas do ensino médio, no colégio municipal Ceará, aqui no Rio de Janeiro.

Hello SkateHivers! All good?
My friend Lumiar Bakker is a teacher in high school classes at Ceará municipal school, here in Rio de Janeiro.


Ela me contou que utiliza os retratos do projeto Skateboard Carioca, em aulas de comportamentos. Funciona da seguinte forma: os retratos são exibidos para as turmas e são debatidos quais emoções as pessoas retratadas estão passando.

She told me that she uses the portraits from the Skateboard Carioca project in behavior classes. This is how it works: the portraits are shown to the classes and what emotions the people portrayed are going through are discussed.

My friend, Lumiar

Hoje, foi um dia muito especial! À convite da Lumiar, eu fui convidado para ministrar uma apresentação, para as turmas, falando sobre as minhas fotografias e sobre o projeto de retratos.

Today was a very special day! At Lumiar's invitation, I was invited to give a presentation to the classes, talking about my photographs and the portrait project.

teachers and I

Comecei a apresentação falando sobre a minha trajetória no skate, na fotografia e o quanto estes são importantes na minha formação.

I started the presentation talking about my trajectory in skateboarding, photography and how important these are in my training.

students and me

Exibi o manifesto, do Coletivo XV, #ANTROPOSKATEFAGIA, onde são exibidos os retratos do projeto, enquanto o manifesto é lido por mim e pela Paula Conc.

I exhibited the manifesto, from Coletivo XV, #ANTROPOSKATEFAGIA, where the portraits of the project are displayed, while the manifesto is read by me and Paula Conc.

(Unsupported https://odysee.com/$/embed/antroposkatefagia_-_manifesto_coletivo_xv-%28Original%29/e2cb2b1514795ccf6c6fb75a01596f16b34a4ea3?r=ECfF51Ka8dQN7SbgMpNqQzpnLpwU78eD)

As turmas são muito interessadas e fizeram várias perguntas legais... Desde como comecei no skate e até, em como eu abordo as pessoas que fazem parte do projeto.

The classes are very interested and asked a lot of cool questions... From how I started skateboarding and even how I approach the people who are part of the project.

The Class

Após a apresentação, eu fiz alguns retratos dos alunos, para que eles pudessem vivenciar a experiência do projeto. Os alunos fotografados, precisaram levar uma autorização assinada pelo responsável, para que a foto pudesse ser feita. Os retratos dos alunos não serão usados no projeto e cada um receberá o seu retrato impresso, como um presente meu.

Um dos alunos, o Allan, está iniciando na fotografia e para incentivá-lo, eu decidi presenteá-lo com uma camera fotográfica digital. Ele gostou demais do presente.

After the presentation, I made some portraits of the students, so that they could experience the project. The photographed students needed to take an authorization signed by the person in charge, so that the photo could be taken. Student portraits will not be used in the project and each student will receive their portrait printed as a gift from me.
One of the students, Allan, is starting photography and to encourage him, I decided to give him a digital camera. He really liked the gift.

Allan and I

Foi a primeira vez em que eu falei para essa quantidade de pessoas e foi uma troca incrível.
Espero que apareçam outras oportunidades como esta!

It was the first time I spoke to this many people and it was an incredible exchange.
I hope there are other opportunities like this one!


Até breve! / See you soon!

Find me Here
🏡 Hive: @fmajuniorphoto
🏡 Flickr : https://www.flickr.com/photos/fmajunior
☀️ Odysee : https://odysee.com/@fmajunior:3
📱 Twitter : https://twitter.com/fmajuniorphoto
📷 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/fmajuniorphoto


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 119 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


Obrigado por promover a comunidade Hive-BR em suas postagens.

Vamos seguir fortalecendo a Hive

Metade das recompensas dessa resposta serão destinadas ao autor do post.

Look at all those happy faces! Happiest face is yours though bro, seems like you really enjoyed teaching the youth!

Stoked to see all those kids taking an interest in photography!


It was the first time I participated in something like this and I was really welcomed by them. I was happy to share my experiences with them!

An incredible experience!


👏👏👏👏 photographer master right here! love this post yo, so cool to see you share your knowlegde with new generation and I also love the fact that the school program took skateboarding into it´s agenda some how ❤️


I thought this invitation was great too! I came back from there refreshed. Physical education teachers who have included skateboarding in practical classes and always invite someone from the middle to speak at school. They even had a photographic exhibition there. In October, they will do another one.
