RE: Two Issues with fiat that crypto payment is solving right now

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Sure, the evolution happened fast and today, we see the adoption of crypto in sectors far beyond finance and investment.


That's true. It's been a wild ride. This year alone the rise of Ordinals has created a revolution on Bitcoin. Now it has onchain art,a budding metaverse base layer and it's own tokens.

The art isn't new ( CounterParty has been around since 2014) but the way it's being stored is different ( etched into Satoshi's).

My only concern is that as more people use the limited block space for art and tokens, the fees will continue to rise, effectively pricing out all but the ultra rich from being able to interact with the network, sort of like we saw with Ethereum during the NFT craze in '21-'22.

As much as I like the new innovations on BTC they've turned Satoshi's vision of a P2P digital money for everybody on its head.

Now we have to use other coins for remittances that are faster and cheaper like LTC,BCH and Doge.
