Old Path Bible Exposition Via Zoom. 05/January/2022.



Greetings brethren,
God be with you all. I want to share with you the word of God from the Bible exposition that was held today via zoom.

Important points:

Question: Does man has the capacity to know the plan of God?

Answer: Man should know the plan of God. The plan of God is his will. The will of God is for is to do good. We were created by God to do good and not evil. The good that God wants us to do is his law. The commandment of God is for us to do good so if we obey the commandment of God we will not be in trouble. If you do not obey the commandments of God, you will do bad things that will go against you. God created us to do good till we die. There is judgment for us because God will raise the dead and we will be judged.
The will of God for us is to fear God and do good.

Question: Will you be saved if you attend gatherings but don't join the church?

Joining the church is one of the commandments that we should obey.
If we reject Christ, we are rejecting God because Christ bought the church with his blood. The church was built by Christ so if you reject the church, it means that you are rejecting Christ.

Question will man commit a great sin when he does something that is prohibited in the church?

Sin become great when you already know it. But if you don't know it then there is forgiveness. When someone commit sin that he or she is not aware of then there is chance for forgiveness. Those who have tasted the knowledge of the truth and commit sin intentionally then there is no sacrifice for sin.
If a person is in the true church, he already Knows the truth but the person in the wrong church doesn't know the truth so this two people are different.

My Old believes:

It is ok for you not to join the church because when you believe in Christ it's enough for you to be saved. So it's not that necessary to be part of the church.
But I now know that Christ built the church so if you reject the church, you are rejecting Christ.

Again, I had also believed that God forgives sin so if anyone commit sin, God will forgive the person.
But I have come to realize that not any one who commit sin is forgiven, it just those who do not know the truth, but those who already know the truth, there is no sacrifice for sin.

How the study affect me to be better:

The study has taught me that I have to fear God and obey his laws by joining the church and avoiding to commit sin.

Thanks be to God.

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