Infamous Fate [ENG - ESP]




It was that infamous dawn that would overshadow my life and change it forever, leaving me trapped in my own body. As infamous as a traffic accident caused by me and a few psychotropic substances that threw me through the air creating a deafening atmosphere.

What thoughts come to your mind before you die? I don't know, I was about to die but I didn't have time for anything. I have been left alone and trapped in my own reality. I have survived death but I find myself in captivity in my own body forever, apparently my brain divorced from the rest of my body leaving me speechless, motionless and lifeless.

That infamous dawn has taken my life, the best years I have ever lived. It has left me paralyzed to my soul. Who should I fight for? This condition is irreversible, no one will be waiting for me because the world continues its course even though for me it has come to a sudden halt.


Era aquella una madrugada infame que ensombrecería mi vida y la cambiará para siempre dejándome atrapado en mi propio cuerpo. Tan Infame como un accidente de tránsito provocado por mí y unas cuantas sustancias psicotrópicas que me lanzaron por los aires creando una atmósfera ensordecedora.

¿Qué pensamientos vienen a tu mente antes de morir? No lo sé, estuve a punto de morir pero no me ha dado tiempo de nada. He quedado solo y atrapado en mi propia realidad. He sobrevivido a la muerte pero me encuentro en cautiverio en mi propio cuerpo para siempre, al parecer mi cerebro se divorció del resto de mi cuerpo dejándome sin habla, sin movimientos y sin vida.

Esa madrugada infame se ha llevado mi vida, los mejores años que he vivido. Me dejado paralizada hasta el alma ¿Por quién debería luchar? este padecimiento es irreversible, nadie estará esperándome porque el mundo sigue su curso aunque para mí se haya detenido súbitamente.


My wife and my lover fight over me as if I were an object, even though my company is the same as that of a crappy object. I have sunk into my miseries because when something bad happens to you you always ask God what wrong you did to deserve such a punishment. I ask Him incessantly why couldn't it have been otherwise?

My wife talks to me with a tone in constant discouragement and my lover seduces me on cold nights even though he doesn't know how frustrating it is to be there and not be able to touch him. Blinking is my only means of communication in complete silence, talking with my eyes and me a wretch longing for death because you never miss what you have, although the nature of things is measured in knowing how to value the details.

Breathing and being alive hurts when you can't talk, move or simply live. Today I would like to be a simple mortal and recover at least for a moment my hands to be able to caress the wind, my voice to sing songs, my feet to walk lavish paths, my freedom to go out to see that goldfinch that thrills my mornings with its seasonal flight.

Mi esposa y mi amante se pelean por mí como si fuera un objeto, aun cuando mi compañía es la misma que da un objeto cutre. Me he sumido en mis miserias porque cuando algo malo te pasa siempre preguntas a Dios que mal hiciste para merecer tal castigo. Yo le pregunto incesantemente ¿por qué no pudo ser de otra manera?

Mi esposa me habla con un tono en constante desánimo y mi amante me seduce en las noches frías aunque no sabe cuan frustrante es estar allí y no poder tocarle. El parpadeo es mi único medio de comunicación en completo silencio, hablar con la mirada y yo un desdichado anhelando la muerte porque nunca se extraña lo que se tiene, aunque la naturaleza de las cosas se mide en saber valorar los detalles.

Respirar y estar vivo duele cuando no puedes hablar, moverte o simplemente vivir. Hoy quisiera ser un simple mortal y recuperar aunque sea un momento mis manos para poder acariciar el viento, mi voz para entonar coplas, mis pies para caminar fastuosos senderos, mi libertad para salir a ver a ese jilguero que emociona mis mañanas con su vuelo de estación.


But above all, I long to be able to use my arms to embrace my children, to ask forgiveness from those I have hurt, to drive away machismo and to give my wife the freedom to look for love in other arms and perhaps to remain alone, because a woman never deserves to be a second-table dish.

Today the memories torment me, that which I did not do, that which remained unfinished, that visit I never made, that friend I never greeted again, that song I never sang, that mother I forgot for so long and who today consoles me with her tender compassion, those brothers with whom I wasted time disputing ephemeral furies, everything is a torment.

The captivity syndrome has not only stolen not only my life but also that of my relatives and closest friends who will be witnesses like me of my infamous end and if there is life after death; perhaps I will not accept it because if I was not happy in the present life, will I find glory in the one that awaits me?

Pero por sobre todas las cosas anhelo poder usar mis brazos para abrazar a mis hijos, pedir perdón a aquellos a quienes herí, alejar el machismo y darle libertad a mi esposa de buscar el amor en otros brazos y quizás quedarme solo, porque una mujer nunca merece ser plato de segunda mesa.

Hoy los recuerdos me atormentan, aquello que no hice, aquello que quedó inconcluso, esa visita que nunca realice, ese amigo al que nunca más saludé, esa canción que jamás entoné, esa madre a la que por tanto tiempo olvide y que hoy me consuela con su tierna compasión, esos hermanos con los que perdí el tiempo disputando furias efímeras, todo es un tormento.

El síndrome de cautiverio no solo se ha robado mi vida sino también la de mis familiares y amigos más cercanos que serán testigos como yo de mi infame final y si hay vida después de la muerte; quizás no la acepte porque sino fui feliz en la vida presente, ¿encontraré la gloria en la que me espera?.


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Source of the image on the cover- Fuente de la Imagen en portada.

Translated by me & also using Deepl

GIF elaborated by @equipodelta


Today the memories torment me, that which I did not do, that which remained unfinished, that visit I never made, that friend I never greeted again, that song I never sang, that mother I forgot for so long and who today consoles me with her tender compassion, those brothers with whom I wasted time disputing ephemeral furies, everything is a torment.

A beautiful reminder to live tomorrow differently, so that I won't have to carry regrets like these later.
