5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: shrimp with lemon sauce

Source: https://deepai.org

The midday was hot and the breeze passed through the curtains raising them subtly. I played in the living room with my little cups of tea while my mother called me insistently from the kitchen when I arrived with her from her I breathed in the strong smell of the sea. I refused over and over again to eat what came from that perfectly decorated plate. Who would say that today, 20 years later, I find myself preparing that shrimp dish with lemon sauce to remember my mother.
El medio día era caluroso y la brisa pasaba por las cortinas levantandolas sutilmente. yo jugaba en la sala con mis tacitas de té mientras mi madre me llamaba insistentemente desde la cocina al llegar con ella respiro el fuerte olor a mar. Me negué una y otra vez comer aquello que venía de aquel platillo perfectamente adornado. Quien diría que hoy 20 años después me encuentro a mi misma preparando aquel platillo de camarones con salsa de limón para recordar a mi madre.
