Distrust Brings Out The Best/Worst In Us. La desconfianza saca lo mejor y lo peor de nosotros. ENG/ESP

Holla everyone, It feels so good to write again. I have been thinking about this topic and here is why. For the past few months I have been experiencing distrust in my relationship, so seeing this topic here for the first time even though it's late triggered a memory, I mean what better way to reduce one's pain if not to talk about it.

Image byAeron from Unsplash.

The utmost truth is that Distrust brings about Anger, Anger in turn brings about pain, the way we make use of such pain determines if it will bring out the best or consume us by bringing out the worst.

Don't know about you but, In my theory of life to avoid getting hurt i hardly trust anyone but i easily distrust others. when my trust is broken it can never be repaired. Just as the pain of being stabbed in the heart is nothing more painful than being stabbed through the back.

Have been in a relationship for the past 7 years at first it took me 3 years to fully trust my partner. But sometimes i get the right answer thinking he is not actually telling the truth but i don't want to conclude and accept whatever he says thinking he might be right, what the heck i had to trust him anyways.

January this year i went through his phone and found some evidence including voice call recordings that he was having an affair, I was devastated, disappointed per say and heartbroken, i mean he was the last man on earth i expect to do such, but as my saying goes all men are equally the same just a slight difference differentiating them all, its just in their nature to cheat.

I couldn't eat nor sleep for a week. I had so many unanswered questions, the most important is "Why did he betray my trust?" I was emotionally sick for days and it affected my mental health. Even if he apologized, which he did like a million times, my trust for him was broken and it might never be repaired, I still did not believe a word he was saying. Anyway I'll save myself the embarrassment and keep the rest stories to myself

This distrust brought in so much anger and the anger inside me produced so much pain. I was angry because during the years I focused more on helping him grow and building him up than myself. And I was in pain because I did not focus more on building up myself.

Well i had to move on, i cant keep looking so petrified and hagged, i was this close to being the worst of myself, I paused for a moment and realized i still need to believe in myself and start working on myself it's never too late, I stopped the anger causing pain from consuming me.

One way or the other I had to look for a way to heal myself from this pain. By doing that I had to forgive, have compassion and stay focused, besides, life teaches us everyday and the lessons learnt from experience help lessen the burden the experience caused.

One funny thing about the mind is, It causes pain by its willful opposition to change, yet pain when severe enough it's also the cleanser that sends a message to the mind to avoid doing whatever it did to warrant this pain in the first place, but the mind have a habit of lapsing into old ruts and the whole series of mistakes consequences is likely to repeat itself but with a new face and situation that is not recognize by the individual as merely a replay of the last trauma.

The only thing that causes personal distress is of our own making nothing more nothing less. I had to manage this distrust somehow. For healing to occur I had to change my state of mind by bending the mind to follow my will and not its. It was pretty hard at first but I need my inner peace.

One thing I did for sure is stop checking his phone, pretending to be blind is much better than seeing every little thing that happens, this way you won't bear or live with the stigma of seeing what you ain't supposed to see or what might cause you your peace.

Have this in mind, "Whatever you do in the past creates your future, in order for you to change your future you need to start recreating the past". It is never too late to learn and correct mistakes made. For me to avoid such pain and events from repeating itself in the future, I started recreating my past in order for me to have a better future and started building up myself, focusing more on me and just me alone. Nevertheless I feel much better and at peace having distrust than giving out my trust.


Holla todo el mundo, Se siente tan bien escribir de nuevo. He estado pensando en este tema y he aquí por qué. Durante los últimos meses he estado experimentando desconfianza en mi relación, por lo que ver este tema aquí por primera vez a pesar de que es tarde desencadenó un recuerdo, quiero decir qué mejor manera de reducir el dolor de uno si no hablar de ello.

Image byAeron from Unsplash.

La mayor verdad es que la desconfianza provoca ira, la ira a su vez provoca dolor, la forma en que hacemos uso de ese dolor determina si sacará lo mejor o nos consumirá sacando lo peor.

No sé tú, pero en mi teoría de la vida, para evitar que me hagan daño, apenas confío en nadie, pero desconfío fácilmente de los demás. Al igual que el dolor de ser apuñalado en el corazón no es nada más doloroso que ser apuñalado por la espalda.

Llevo 7 años en una relación, al principio tardé 3 años en confiar plenamente en mi pareja. Pero a veces tengo la respuesta correcta pensando que en realidad no está diciendo la verdad, pero no quiero llegar a la conclusión y aceptar lo que dice pensando que podría estar en lo cierto, ¿qué diablos tenía que confiar en él de todos modos?

En enero de este año revisé su teléfono y encontré algunas pruebas, incluidas grabaciones de llamadas de voz, de que estaba teniendo una aventura, me quedé devastada, decepcionada y con el corazón roto, quiero decir que era el último hombre en la tierra que esperaba que hiciera algo así, pero como dice mi refrán todos los hombres son iguales, sólo una pequeña diferencia que los diferencia a todos, está en su naturaleza engañar.

No pude comer ni dormir durante una semana. Tenía tantas preguntas sin respuesta, la más importante: "¿Por qué traicionó mi confianza?". Estuve enferma emocionalmente durante días y afectó a mi salud mental. Incluso si se disculpaba, cosa que hizo como un millón de veces, mi confianza en él se había roto y puede que nunca se reparara, seguía sin creerme una palabra de lo que decía. De todos modos, me ahorraré la vergüenza y me guardaré el resto de las historias para mí.

Esta desconfianza me produjo mucha rabia y la rabia dentro de mí me produjo mucho dolor. Estaba enfadada porque durante años me centré más en ayudarle a crecer y en construirle a él que en mí misma. Y me dolía porque no me centré más en construirme a mí misma.

Bueno, tuve que seguir adelante, no puedo seguir mirando tan petrificado y hagged, yo estaba tan cerca de ser lo peor de mí mismo, me detuve por un momento y me di cuenta de que todavía tengo que creer en mí mismo y empezar a trabajar en mí mismo nunca es demasiado tarde, me detuve la ira que causa dolor de consumirme.

De una forma u otra tenía que buscar la manera de curarme de este dolor. Para ello tuve que perdonar, tener compasión y mantenerme centrada, además, la vida nos enseña todos los días y las lecciones aprendidas de la experiencia ayudan a disminuir la carga que la experiencia causó.

Una cosa curiosa de la mente es que causa dolor por su oposición voluntaria al cambio, pero el dolor, cuando es lo bastante intenso, es también un limpiador que envía un mensaje a la mente para que evite hacer lo que sea que haya hecho para justificar ese dolor en primer lugar, pero la mente tiene la costumbre de caer en viejos errores y es probable que toda la serie de consecuencias erróneas se repita, pero con una nueva cara y una situación que el individuo no reconoce como una mera repetición del último trauma.

Lo único que nos causa angustia personal es lo que nosotros mismos creamos, ni más ni menos. Para que se produjera la curación, tuve que cambiar mi estado mental, haciendo que la mente siguiera mi voluntad y no la suya. Al principio fue bastante duro, pero necesito mi paz interior.

Una cosa que hice con seguridad es dejar de revisar su teléfono, fingir estar ciego es mucho mejor que ver cada pequeña cosa que sucede, de esta manera no soportarás o vivirás con el estigma de ver lo que se supone que no debes ver o lo que podría causarte tu paz.

Ten esto en mente, "Lo que hagas en el pasado crea tu futuro, para que puedas cambiar tu futuro necesitas empezar a recrear el pasado". Nunca es tarde para aprender y corregir los errores cometidos. Para evitar que ese dolor y esos acontecimientos se repitieran en el futuro, empecé a recrear mi pasado para tener un futuro mejor y empecé a construirme a mí misma, a centrarme más en mí y sólo en mí. Sin embargo me siento mucho mejor y en paz desconfiando que dando mi confianza.


We experience distrust in so many areas in life but what is most important is how we handle the situation.


Amiga solo cuando perdonamos de corazón, comenzamos a sanar las heridas.Es fácil decirlo, pero para lograr llegar a ello hay que pasar por varias etapas. Nadie perdona de inmediato, eso se logra a través de un proceso largo y doloroso. Pero al final se cierra la herida y se continua viviendo.


muy cierto ese es el proceso por el que yo mismo estoy pasando actualmente


I’m happy about the fact that you’ve realized you should focus on building yourself and the fact that you don’t think whatever he is doing is your fault, it’s all on him.
Thank you for sharing and thanks for the advice too


yes, you're most welcome. thanks so much for reading


Una experiencia muy fuerte, es difícil de comprender porque las personas que amamos nos traicionan y causan daño pero solo consiguiendo la paz en nosotros logramos que eso que nos hicieron no nos defina. Hay que continuar, excelente post. Saludos


sí, las únicas personas que te hacen tanto daño son las que amas. ¿es mejor no amar?


Hello @fredaig. A powerful story of trust being broken. I was pleased to hear that you are now concentrating on yourself. The first step, as you say is forgiveness. Carrying around the burden of hatred for a wrong done to you wears you down.

Thanks for sharing your story. Good luck for your future. Take care.


u most welcome thanks for reading


Oh I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that my dear. It's rare to find an honest man these days who respects his partner and who genuinely loves her. It's a terrible thing to discover and I just hope you're doing alright. No one deserves a cheating partner. Stay strong okay?

And if you want to ever talk about it, I'll be a listening ear.🌺 Loads of !LUV to you.


Thanks so much for reading and sure will be in touch if i want to talk about it


how bad it is to feel distrust, i went through that situation and it didn't let me live in peace. thanks to God i overcame it and came out of that process alive.


yes, thanks so much for reading, am glad you've came out of yours still working on myself thou


Well, I must first disagree with the statement you made that it is in the nature of men to cheat this is not true. Different men with different attitudes. It is unfair to generalise based on your experience with just a man. This cheating of a thing goes both ways for both genders.

7 years that is a lot, I don't think I have that level of commitment with anyone, that is why it hurts that much, I'm sure it will make you feel like you wasted your time and effort but on the bright side, I'm sure you have learnt a thing or two from the pain you experienced.

Though you have realised it already, never allow your emotions about an encounter dictate your mindset because no matter how much the pain hurts and influences your attitude, always remember you are in control.

I'm sure you will find someone else more deserving.

Pop in from #dreemport


truth is what it is, thank God you know it's a generalize fact for both men and women to cheat, but may i remind you women tend to be much more faithful than men, its very rare to find a man who wouldn't cheat even once in a relationship out of 99% of men maybe the rare one would be 1% or non. but with women you can find almost 60% who won't cheat in a relationship. Anyway thanks for your time thou appreciate.
