Garden work!

Last weekday of my holiday. Not really looking forward to next Monday. But it is what it is. Next week could be important for an upcoming work switch.
But I am drifting off from the title.

I am not a garden work lover but a man has to do what a man has to do.
Behind our backyard their is a field. And it was overgrowing our fence. Lots of weed (not the drug) and high grasses. So it was time to take some action. This morning I did purchase a brush cutter. Never imagined that where so many possibilities. From petrol towards accu powered. I did go for the in between. So an electric one but corded. Didn’t want to go to fancy because I will use it max twice a year. And it is lots cheaper than an accu powered one.


It took me 2.5 hours to complete my task. Around 5 or 6 meters away from the fence and a width of 25 meters. Probably it can be done faster but not bad for a first time. Pretty satisfied with the result.
Deep respect for the guys who do this for a living. Pretty hard work for the arms, back and wrists.

Now we are going to a restaurant!

Have a nice weekend!
