Daily Positivity Journal | 09.03.2020


Today I’m starting a series of posts that I learned from a Cent user by the name DragoNate which he labels as “Daily Positivity Journal”. Basically it's a form of reminding oneself of all the good things that happened on a specific day. It’s quite challenging because it has been done on a daily basis. A routine which I’m not really good at but I’m willing to give it a try.


...an orchid from my travel in Bintan, Indonesia

It doesn’t have to be a long form of content since it only requires the highlights of your day.

Let me begin, I woke up at 6am which gave me a good start in my busy day.

Passed-by the pastry shop to drop some important docs for the staff.

Got some important supplies for the construction site that I supervise. And more importantly, me & my team managed to improve the safety measures for them work with ease.

So, after accomplishing my checklist for the day ~ I had the whole late afternoon to relax and had a good movie time!

As simple as that. Any highlights on your Monday?
