The Death of Pets as a result of Leptospirosis.

One of the veterinary doctors on the group chat I usually talk about shared sad news about losing all his dogs to Leptospirosis, that was a great loss that meant he would have to start his business all over again, and we had to contribute to help him get back on his feet as we understood what it meant for a pet to loose all his pet. I, of course, started to do my research on this disease and how it could be prevented, but I was even more bothered when I found it was a zoonotic disease, which means it could be transmitted even to the pet owner.

This of course got me so scared, because losing all his pets could be emotionally and financially draining, but contacting a disease or even losing his own life or that of his family members is even worse, let me share the things I have learned about the disease with you very quickly.

Leptospirosis is a disease, that is caused as a result of an infection with Leptospira bacteria. The bacteria could be found in soil and water, in any part of the world, and it is a zoonotic disease meaning it can spread from animals to humans. There are multiple strains of the bacteria, known as Leptospira.

The bacteria thrive more in environments that are wet and warm, especially during late summer and into fall, They have the ability to survive in places where they are kept for months, the season when rainfall is heavy makes it even faster and easier for them to spread. Dogs usually get the disease through water bodies contaminated with urine, or contact with urine-contaminated soil, food, and even bedding.

Different types of animals can spread this disease through their urine; rodents, rats, raccoons, and even some livestock, could be actively responsible for the spread of the disease. Leptospira gets through the body through the availability of a broken skin or mucus membrane, or through ingestion. Some categories of dogs are however at more risk of getting the disease than others; those dogs that reside close to a farm, the ones that live close to wooded areas, dogs that are for hunting or sporting, or those that live close to the farm.

Leptospirosis spreads through the entire body of the dog, as it spreads, it reproduces in the kidney, liver, reproductive system, as well as the eyes
How do you begin to suspect the presence of Leptospirosis in your dog?
Signs like; Body weakness, absence of appetite, shivering, depression, bloody vaginal discharge, vomiting, persistent cough, runny nose, inability to breathe properly, mild swelling of the lymph nodes, fast dehydration, and increased thirst and constant urination.

These signs vary greatly, some dogs that are infected would not show a sign of illness, others will experience only a mild form of illness and recover in no time, while others on the other hand, will experience very strong illness that would lead to an eventual death. It may not be so easy for leptospirosis to be diagnosed, as the clinical signs may have the resemblance of other diseases, blood work or urine testing will be recommended. Aside from the result gotten here, additional tests will be required for confirmation.

Leptospirosis can be treated with antibiotics for at least two weeks, oftentimes, hospitalization with IV fluids, alongside the management of electrolytes is usually necessary. Additionally, treatment for the protection of guts, to prevent pain, managing of blood pressure, and nausea as well as the provision of nutritional support is made available.

The best method of prevention for this disease is vaccination, When your pet is affected, antibiotics and supportive care is the safe option, when the situation is handled on time, there is a quicker and better chance at recovery. However, there is still a risk of the affected pet getting residual kidney or liver damage.
As a pet owner or pet trainer whose pet has been diagnosed with the disease, these precautions need to be taken to protect yourself and your family;

  • You must avoid any form of contact with your pet's urine.
  • Wash your hands appropriately after handling your pet.
  • Train your pet to urinate far away from standing water, Also ensure to clean the affected area with household disinfectant.
  • Ensure to administer antibiotics as prescribed by the vet.

Knowing that this vet also stands a chance of being infected with the disease is disturbing, and I will have to reach out to him to get some treatments as soon as possible, I do hope he is fine.



I don't have dogs at the moment but will definitely have them later in future. It's important to educate most dog lovers and owners on this topic. Its means of transmission should be clearly stated and differentiated. Dog owners should be taught apparently on how to handle this situation and how it can be harmful to them and their dogs. Since it's a zoonotic disease, how would one know that he or she has been infected with the bacteria disease. I think it's better you throw more light on that because health is wealth. One has to be healthy to care for his or her pet dog 🐕🐕🐕🐕. I would advise you post this findings on any page with dogs lovers. Thank you for the shared knowledge 😊😊😊✌️✌️


Hello @miraclle, appreciate your response, dog lovers should indeed be aware of what it takes, and tips on protection as shared in the post needs to be strictly followed.


This particular disease must definetely be common among dog pets


It's not so common amongst dogs that do not live in areas close to farm, or stagnant water bodies.


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