The Effect of Capnocytophaga on Pet-Owners.


You already know that on this page, I am very concerned about the safety of pets, but I also love to talk about the infections that can be spread from pets to pet owners, this is to create timely awareness that will help prevent complications and death to both pets and pets owners. Today, I will be writing about a type of bacteria found in pets, while our pets are carriers of this bacteria, they do not have an active effect on them but can spread to pet owners and have an effect on them.

Capnocytophaga is commensal gliding bacteria that are isolated from human and animal oral flora, they are responsible for infections in both an immunocompromised and an immunocompetent host. Although very rare, capnocytophaga germs can spread to humans through scratches, bites, or close contact with a domestic pet (dogs and cats), this can result in illnesses including sepsis. I mentioned that it is rare because not everyone who comes in contact with a pet carrying this bacteria falls sick, it is highly possible for humans who have a weak immune system, who has cancer, or taking cancer medications, who have chronic lung disease, and history of excessive alcohol fall ill upon contact with this germs. Pet owners with this condition must speak with their doctors about how to safely interact with their pets.

The symptoms and signs of Capnocytophaga infection vary widely from the skin to invasive infections. The symptom is spread through the bite and it usually takes 3-5 days after a bite for symptoms to begin to show, it can also range from 1-14 days. The symptoms shown/felt could progress on a rapid level from being mild to localized infection to the point of systemic infection, it could also rise to sepsis, meningitis, organ failure, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Most cases of infections are connected in the tissues of the mouth and throat including; eye infections, periodontal disease, and respiratory tract infections.

The signs and symptoms of Capnocytophaga range from one of these; vomiting, fever, blisters around the area of the bite, fever, headache or confusion, muscle or joint pain, redness, and swelling. Transmission is not only associated with a bite but even through the spread of animal saliva. Serious complications could result in heart attack, gangrene, and kidney failure, it could get so worse that some people will have their toes, limbs, and fingers amputated, this occurs as a result of serious infection.

Capnocytophaga infection can be treated significantly with antibiotics, antibiotics can kill the bacterial germs responsible for the infection, although it is smart and wise to speak to your doctor immediately if there is a bite from a cat or a dog, oftentimes, more than one antibiotics will be prescribed, before then, regions that have been bitten by a pet should be washed with soap and water instantly.

The fact that your pet has given a negative result for the Capnocytophaga test does not mean the animal will always be negative, even after the pet has turned positive for the presence of the infection, it will be given treatment to get rid of it. However, that will only be for a short period as they will most likely pick up the infection again.

For people who are immunocompromised, it is highly unlikely to have any form of complication, but there are things you can do in order to protect yourself either you think you may be at risk or you are not even sure, there are simple things that can be done in order to protect yourself from every form of infection, ensure to wash your hands right after contact with a pet, especially the ones you are not even familiar with, those particular areas where contact has been made should be paid the most attention to, remember that most cases of capnocytophaga transmission happen as a result of bites, so endeavor to take appropriate steps in preventing any form of bite or scratch.

Do not be too quick to get close to a pet you have no idea about, regardless of how friendly they may appear, ask for permission from pet owners before you lay a finger on their pet. The moment you notice a pet is scared or angry, then do not touch them and do not touch them while they are sleeping or they are eating.


Pets have a great benefit to every home and even society at large, capnocytophaga is one of those infections that pets can transfer to their owners but will not affect the pet themselves. That is the reason why it is important to learn about the possibilities of these infections and the best possible ways to prevent them from happening.



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