The eternal battle of FBI: Most Wanted [ESP – ENG]

Hay algunos spoilers.
There are some spoilers.


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Saludos a todos los miembros de la comunidad, ¿cómo están? Les voy a ser totalmente honesta, lo que me une a esta serie es una fe inquebrantable en las series donde Dick Wolf está involucrado, pero no debo ser también crítica sobre esto que ha estado perjudicando de sobremanera la fluidez de FBI: Most Wanted desde hace algún tiempo respecto al desarrollo de personajes como consecuencia de la salida de los actores que le dan vida a los mismos. En el camino desde la primera temporada muchos de los personajes han tenido que salir porque los actores por diversas razones se han ido de la serie, por ello no se le puede achacar demasiado a la producción porque la mayoría se ha ido debido a decisiones propias de los actores, con algunas excepciones y daños colaterales, lo cual quizá aumente la frustración pues ellos intención tienen de desarrollar los personajes… solo que se les van los actores.
Greetings to all members of the community, how are you? I'm going to be totally honest, what unites me to this series is an unshakable faith in the series where Dick Wolf is involved, but I must not also be critical about this that has been greatly impairing the fluidity of FBI: Most Wanted for some time regarding the development of characters as a result of the departure of the actors who give life to them. Along the way since the first season many of the characters have had to leave because the actors for various reasons have left the series, so you cannot blame the production too much because most have left due to the actors' own decisions, with some exceptions and collateral damage, which perhaps increases the frustration because they intend to develop the characters... only that the actors are leaving.

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La línea argumentativa de la serie ha mantenido su esencia de la caza de fugitivos a través de los Estados Unidos, pero aquello que la complemente en relación a sus personajes se ha afectado con cada una de las salidas, siendo una de estas de vital importancia pues supuso la despedida del agente especial Jess Lacroix, a quien habíamos estado viendo como el líder de este equipo gracias a la interpretación del actor Julian McMahon. La manera en la que tenía el personaje de analizar las situaciones para llegar a dar con el paradero de los catalogados como más buscados me encantaba, pues exploraba ese lado de la psicología criminal que a mí en lo personal me llama mucho la atención, sin embargo, respecto al personaje en sí mismo y su trasfondo, lo sentía como estancado una vez se llegó a cierto punto, porque siempre se enfocaban en temas que ya habían sido abordados y lo que hacían era agregarle trabas.
The storyline of the series has maintained its essence of hunting fugitives across the United States, but that which complements it in relation to its characters has been affected with each of the exits, one of these being of vital importance because it meant the farewell of Special Agent Jess Lacroix, who we had been seeing as the leader of this team thanks to the interpretation of actor Julian McMahon. The way in which the character had to analyze the situations to find the whereabouts of those catalogued as most wanted I loved it, because it explored that side of criminal psychology that I personally find very interesting, however, regarding the character itself and its background, I felt it as stagnant once it reached a certain point, because they always focused on issues that had already been addressed and what they did was to add obstacles.


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Habían comenzado a integrar a su familia en las dinámicas de la vida cotidiana explorando problemas del pasado, de igual manera se le intentó brindar mayor profundidad incorporando Jen Landon al elenco para interpretar a Sarah Allen al convertirse eventualmente en el interés romántico de Jess Lacroix, mostrándonos una de las facetas de este que todavía no habíamos visto. En general se apreciaba que siguieran intentando agregarle elementos al personaje para hacerlo más humano, aunque también sacrificaron un poco la esencia de personajes por hacerlo, como el drama alrededor de la hija, Natalia ‘Tali’ Skye LaCroix, quien con la adolescencia aparentemente se convirtió en una persona diferente siendo rebelde y demás… nunca que encajó del todo. Debido a la salida de Julian McMahon, la historia de Jess Lacroix tuvo que encontrar un final que a su vez cerraba la puerta también para los otros dos mencionados.
They had begun to integrate her family into the dynamics of everyday life by exploring issues from the past, as well as trying to add more depth by bringing Jen Landon into the cast to play Sarah Allen as she eventually becomes Jess Lacroix's romantic interest, showing us a side of him that we had not yet seen. Overall it was appreciated that they kept trying to add elements to the character to make it more human, although they also sacrificed a bit of character essence to do so, such as the drama around the daughter, Natalia 'Tali' Skye LaCroix, who with adolescence apparently became a different person by being rebellious and such... never quite fitting in. Due to the departure of Julian McMahon, the Jess Lacroix storyline had to find an ending which in turn closed the door for the other two mentioned as well.


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Ahora, su remplazo supone uno de los grandes errores dentro de series suponen ser parte de un mismo universo porque Dylan McDermott llega luego de haber participado en Law & Order: Organized Crime interpretando al villano Richard Wheatley, entonces ¿cómo se come eso? Entra para tomar el papel de Remy Scott como líder de la unidad de una forma distinta a como lo hacía Jess Lacroix a juzgar por lo que hemos podido ver en los capítulos donde aparece. Es algo que me llena de alegría dentro de la incomodidad de tener a un actor que aunque es excelente en lo que hace pues ya lo conocemos como Dylan McDermott y mi mente tiene problemas asociándolo siendo un chico bueno, por así decirlo, pero sí han sabido darle una esencia propia. Mientras Jess Lacroix era calmado en su mayoría siguiendo las reglas, este da la sensación de estar en un punto medio acercándose a un vaquero.
Now, his replacement is one of the big mistakes in series supposed to be part of the same universe because Dylan McDermott arrives after having participated in Law & Order: Organized Crime playing the villain Richard Wheatley, so how do you eat that? He comes in to take on the role of Remy Scott as the leader of the unit in a different way than Jess Lacroix did judging by what we've been able to see in the episodes where he appears. It is something that fills me with joy within the discomfort of having an actor that although he is excellent at what he does as we already know him as Dylan McDermott and my mind has problems associating him being a good guy, so to speak, but they have managed to give him an essence of his own. While Jess Lacroix was calm for the most part following the rules, this one gives the feeling of being somewhere in the middle approaching a cowboy.


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No tardaron mucho en introducirnos las problemáticas que se irán desarrollando alrededor del personaje relacionadas con su trasfondo familiar, sobre todo, algo que aprecio porque no se puede perder el tiempo tampoco, lo hicieron de una manera en que cuadró a la perfección con su llegada, matando dos pájaros de un tiro en menos de tres capítulos desde que apareció en escena. Además, su personalidad resulta muy refrescante para la dinámica del equipo y las situaciones en las que se mete, porque tiene sentido del humor, ha estado soltando algunas bromas que honestamente me dan la sensación de que el grupo puede convertirse en algo divertido respetando este trasfondo serio de un grupo de agentes especiales que persiguen criminales… ¿pero por qué no un humorista como jefe? Ya también dejó ver que es un hombre libre en el romance que le va a llevar vino a una jueza porque le gustó y se lo dice de frente como macho.
It didn't take long to introduce us to the issues that will be developing around the character related to his family background, above all, something I appreciate because you can't waste time either, they did it in a way that squared perfectly with his arrival, killing two birds with one stone in less than three chapters since he appeared on the scene. Also, his personality is very refreshing for the dynamics of the team and the situations he gets into, because he has a sense of humor, he has been dropping some jokes that honestly give me the feeling that the group can become something fun while respecting this serious background of a group of special agents chasing criminals... but why not a humorist as a boss? He already also let it show that he is a free man in the romance that he is going to bring wine to a judge because he liked her and he tells her straight up like a macho man.


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Es como una especie de maldición, cuando le ponen un poco la atención a uno de los personajes del equipo diferente al líder parecer ser que este está destinado a irse, sea porque el actor quiere retirarse, sea porque los productores por una razón que desconocemos deciden dejarlo ir. Justo cuando el agente Iván Ortiz se estaba relacionando en un nivel más personal con la agente Hana Gibson aunque esto fuese en su mayoría a tono de amistad, los productores de la serie han tomado una decisión que nos dejará sin el personaje que interpreta Miguel Gómez para la próxima temporada. No sé cómo tomar esto considerando que la serie necesita desesperadamente que algunos sean más frecuentes para que no se sienta como si esto fuese un hotel donde muchos vienen y se van al mismo tiempo, pero supongo que queda confiar. La posibilidad de que regrese sigue allí considerando cómo se le dio salida.
It's like a curse of sorts, when they put some attention to one of the characters of the team other than the leader it seems that this one is destined to leave, either because the actor wants to retire, or because the producers for a reason that we don't know decide to let him go. Just when agent Ivan Ortiz was relating on a more personal level with agent Hana Gibson even though this was mostly on a friendship level, the producers of the series have made a decision that will leave us without the character played by Miguel Gomez for the next season. I don't know how to take this considering the series desperately needs some to be more frequent so it doesn't feel like this is a hotel where many come and go at the same time, but I guess it remains to be trusted. The possibility of him returning is still there considering how he was given an exit.


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Según tengo entendido, se unirá un nuevo personaje llamado Ray Cannon que será interpretado por el actor Edwin Hodge, quien de igual manera que Dylan McDermott, ha interpretado un papel en otra de las series de Dick Wolf, Chicago Fire. La única diferencia está en que Edwin Hodge le dio vida a Rick Newhouse por allá entre los años 2014 y 2015 que se ven lejanos, y yo que también he visto esa serie pues ni me acuerdo de su participación, mientras que Dylan McDermott interpretando a Richard Wheatley está casi recién salido del horno. De cualquier forma a estas alturas no me importa, en el fondo lo único que quiero es que por amor de Dios terminen con un grupo que puedan desarrollar y cuyas dinámicas internas funcionen como para que los espectadores podamos decir que los amamos, sin el medio de que para la próxima temporada pues quizá no estén. Tengo fe en Remy Scott, ya veremos a Ray Cannon.
As I understand it, a new character named Ray Cannon will join the cast and will be played by actor Edwin Hodge, who like Dylan McDermott, has played a role in another of Dick Wolf's series, Chicago Fire. The only difference is that Edwin Hodge gave life to Rick Newhouse back in 2014 and 2015 that seem far away, and I who have also seen that series I don't even remember his participation, while Dylan McDermott playing Richard Wheatley is almost fresh out of the oven. Either way at this point I don't care, in the phono all I want is that for the love of God they end up with a group that they can develop and whose internal dynamics work so that we viewers can say that we love them, without the means that for the next season they may not be there. I have faith in Remy Scott, we'll see Ray Cannon.
Muchas gracias por leer mi publicación, espero encontrarlos acá en una siguiente oportunidad.
Thank you very much for reading my publication, I hope to meet you here in the next opportunity.


I have not seen a single episode of this series. Others created by Dick Wolf if I have seen random episodes, but this one I have never had the chance. I think I told you a while back that I don't watch many procedural series. Although these are the most watched by American audiences, because they can put on any episode and enjoy it. It has its audience, it's ideal for those who just want to have a good time without a lot of complicated plots.


Yes, I remember it's not a genre of series you usually watch. At least this particular series solves the crimes in a single chapter, very few have been the ones that occupied several, taking out the special episodes where other series of the Dick Wolf universe come together that are always several that together solve the problem.

I really like the development of the series in terms of crimes and fugitives, but I have always said that it lacks more depth to the characters, I'm much to look at the big picture. I think with this new leader, Remy Scott, a lot of potential could be brought out of the group dynamic.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting.


Its sad to see producers having to put in so much work to ensure that the movies stays on track following casts leaving the movie..I havn't seen the series yet but I know I would have been a lot discouraged to see casts leave..

The movie tells a great story, one that needs a lot of attention and focus, exactly what would make you more glued to your tv..or phone..I guess I'll give it a try if I ever run out of movies to watch...

Thanks for sharing ❤️
