Disturbios en pro a la censura / Pro-censorship riots | A 5 minute freewrite


Disturbios allá y acá ¿Qué sucede, te preguntarás?

Un grupo de hipócritas grita a toda voz que un hombre con ideales contrarios está incitando una guerra, una invasión a sus ideas. Olvidando que poco antes ellos destruían todo a su paso y exaltaban a mediocres que se unían al desastre solo por la momentánea impunidad. Predican de libertad de expresión y a la mínima callan la voz de aquel que les muestra su error ¿Si corres para cortar la lengua de alguien más, eso no es evidencia de que le temes a su voz? Mas que disturbios parecen niñerías evolucionadas por el hecho de que portan armas.

Riots here and there, what's going on, you ask?

A group of hypocrites cries out at full voice that a man with opposite ideals is inciting a war, an invasion of their ideas. Forgetting that shortly before they destroyed everything in their path and exalted mediocre people who joined the disaster only by momentary impunity. They preach freedom of expression and at the least they silence the voice of those who show them their error. If you run to cut out someone else's tongue, isn't that evidence that you are afraid of their voice? More than riots, they seem like childish things evolved from the fact that they carry weapons.

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Unsplash, @spensewithans

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Cuenta secundaria (Dibujos, edición y juegos) | Secondary account (Drawings, editing and games)
