Immortal Planet - The Indie-2D Dark Souls? | First steps and impressions


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Something that usually happens to all of us is wanting to try new games from our endless list that grows every day by any tiny video, a chat with friends in which the subject came up, or just browsing our Steam catalog we saw it and wondered "What will it be like?" because this doubt can only be answered when the precious moment comes when the stars align, you have free time and you are not hooked with any specific game that takes time away from you.

Something like that happened to me since these days I had been very busy with the university and I have barely had time to try games to pass them progressively, if anything I could pass Chrono Trigger for the second time of which I brought you a review days ago. Some time ago I had seen one that caught my attention as many say it is the 2D Dark Souls, how crazy right? The truth is that I don't know if it is, but I guess that like many games they imitate many aspects of DS and I don't blame them, because it is an excellent saga that has managed to forge its own identity.

I love Indie games and to be honest, I find them a great attraction because I like to see what an independent company can achieve without those high budgets that big companies are used to. Many of my favorite games like Hotline Miami, Dead Cells, Papers Please, Hollow Knight, Spelunky, and many more share the characteristic of being developed by this kind of company. Same case for Immortal Planet which with that title only generates more curiosity and great expectations to see if it will be close to being called the "Dark Souls 2D".

Well, once the long introduction is done, the only thing left to do is to start the adventure.


A rare start.

We start in a cubicle, apparently we are in an apocalyptic environment or at least in the process of being one under what seems to me to be a dictatorial mandate. This is plagued by soldiers and as in any game begins by teaching us the mechanics of the game, being honest with you the mechanics are something... weird? At least for me, it was the fighting frame, I had to adapt a little and yes, by adapt I mean to die several times to know how everything was, the enemies at the beginning fall with a few sword thrusts.

The complicated thing is that as I see my movements like running, sliding, or hitting are limited by an orange bar, I'll call it stamina or energy, and the fact of managing it well as you plan your movements is crucial if you don't want to receive even a single hit, although the truth is very difficult, it will be a matter of getting the timing of each enemy.


I'm progressively getting the trick of the mechanics, some enemies have long daggers which have a range that is scary and... I won't lie, I had to die several times since a hit is to be paralyzed for a while at the mercy of being beaten up. I could notice that this is the main similarity with Dark Souls because as I was advancing each enemy released experience that I managed to accumulate, directly if I die that experience is lost and is at a point where I have to go to recover it, I like that although obviously, we know where it came from.


Honestly, what I can tell you, I feel like a soul hunter every time I pass an instance without any damage. This is getting cooler and cooler and what I like is that the mapping is well done, plus I have pseudo skills that allow me to attack from a distance, like the shot I show you on the right, something quite useful in case I need a hit and my stamina is low and the enemy makes those typical lunges that destroy me, as usual happens.

I managed to get to a sort of checkpoint where I was able to unlock a bridge that takes me to the beginning of the whole thing, this will come in handy for when I die again, it was tedious having to go through everything from the beginning. At least progress isn't lost but it's practically like starting all over again, plus the experience we have to recover which is a complete pain in the ass, things that happen to a soul hunter in his trade but we get used to it.

The basis of progress in this world, skills and abilities... in addition to stamina obviously.

As I told you that the experience is practically telling an enemy "Hey, I have a lot of XP, kill me", so I decided to invest in improving my character because of that (and because of the several deaths). I used the shortcut I mentioned before to go directly to the cubicle where we started, the experience is what you want to consume and according to the one you have you can improve more or less.

Already in a tone, I decided to improve my agility and stamina skills since I don't think that if my character finishes his stamina in a few hits is something convenient. As I said (and I said again 1020011010 times in the video) stamina is the mana or the source of everything in the game, good management of it in each attack will be what will help you to win or otherwise to die, and if you start, you will die many times, it is the only sure thing in Immortal Planet.


First encounter with a boss.

After many traversals, deaths, and so on, the long-awaited hour came that can't be missed in a Souls-like game, the boss fight! Honestly, this took me by surprise since I was still very green with the mechanics, although not as much as at the beginning. Anyway, I died in the attempt as expected, this boss is fucking strong and a single hit that caught me off guard just took me down almost all of my life.

I died several times trying, the truth is that it is a battle of endurance and the fact of doing the same fight for several attempts was tedious since I had to go through the same path with the same enemies for quite a while. Finally, after 10 attempts (more or less than) I managed to get the trick, the boss has 3 lives and in each one he releases a new ability, little by little is to be careful and smartly hit him and take advantage when his stamina drops because he won't be able to do anything to you while he recovers.


After all the fight ...

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After this we get a message from a database or machine, it is something strange but it tells us that if we want to continue fighting against what is happening on the planet we must head north of the base. Only there we will get a clear vision of the direction we must give to our adventure to end all this chaos that is happening.

The boss was fucking long, it took me forever to beat it because of those attempts in which I had to go back and forth but it was worth it. That feeling of defeating someone who makes your life miserable is just wonderful and it's something I haven't experienced in a while and I wouldn't have known without playing a Souls-like this one. I'm liking the game progressively, it makes the story quite fun besides those tenuous touches and the bosses and enemies are funny to defeat.


My verdict.

Is it Dark Souls 2D? The truth is that you have to separate many bars in this comparison because Dark Souls has a style of him that is very difficult to imitate perfectly without copying it directly by changing names and small details. This fashion of making games similar to Dark Souls is something that has been seen for a long time and today games are still doing it, in case of this one you can see that it took a lot of inspiration from DS but in my verdict, I think it is still far from being the same.

The game is very worthwhile, it's quite entertaining, the mechanics are weird if you're not familiar with them but it's nothing that practice can't achieve. Honestly, I'm curious to keep exploring and see where it all stops, it looks like it will be quite long from first impressions. If you made it this far thank you very much and see you in the next one.


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Algo que a todos nos suele suceder es el querer probar nuevos juegos de nuestra lista interminable que cada día crece más por cualquier minúsculo video, una charla con amigos en el que surgió el tema o simplemente curioseando en nuestro catálogo de Steam lo vimos y nos preguntamos “¿Qué tal será?” pues esta duda solo puede ser respondida cuando llega el preciado momento en el que los astros se alinean, tienes tiempo libre y no estás enganchado con alguno en específico que te quite tiempo.

Algo así me sucedió, ya que en estos días había estado muy ocupado con la universidad y apenas he tenido tiempo de ir probando juegos para irlos pasando progresivamente, si acaso pude pasar Chrono Trigger por segunda vez del cual les traje una reseña hace días. Hace tiempo había visto uno que me llamó la atención, ya que muchos dicen que es el Dark Souls 2D, vaya que locura ¿No?. La verdad es que no sé si lo será pero supongo que como muchos juegos imitan bastantes aspectos de DS y la verdad no los culpo, porque es una excelente saga que ha sabido forjar su propia identidad.

Los juegos Indie me encantan y siendo sinceros les encuentro un gran atractivo, ya que me gusta ver que puede lograr una compañía independiente sin esos presupuestos tan altos que se acostumbran en grandes empresas. Muchos de mis juegos favoritos como Hotline Miami, Dead Cells, Papers Please, Hollow Knight, Spelunky e infinidades más comparten la característica de ser desarrollados por este tópico de compañías. Mismo caso para Immortal Planet el cual con ese título solo me genera más curiosidad y grandes expectativas por ver si realmente será cercano a llamarle como el “Dark Souls 2D”.

Ya una vez hecha la larga introducción solo queda comenzar la aventura.


Un comienzo extraño.

Empezamos saliendo de un cubículo, al parecer estamos en un ambiente apocalíptico o al menos en pros de serlo bajo lo que me parece ser un mandato dictatorial. Esto está plagado de soldados y como en todo juego se comienza por enseñarnos las mecánicas del mismo, siéndoles sincero las mecánicas son algo… ¿Raras? Al menos el encuadre de lucha para mí lo fue, me toco adaptarme un poco y sí, por adaptarme me refiero a morir varias veces para saber cómo era todo, los enemigos del comienzo caen con unos cuantos espadazos.

Lo realmente complicado es que según veo mis movimientos como correr, deslizarme o golpear se ven limitados por una barra naranja, yo la llamaré estamina o energía y el hecho de administrarla bien según vas planeando tus movimientos es crucial si no quieres recibir siquiera un solo golpe, aunque la verdad es muy difícil, será cuestión de irles agarrando el timing a cada enemigo.


Poco a poco voy agarrando el hilo, hay unos enemigos que poseen dagas largas las cuales tienen un rango que da miedo y… No les mentiré, me tocó morir varias veces ya que un golpe es quedarse paralizado un tiempo a merced de que te sigan dando una paliza. Pude notar que ahí está el principal parecido con Dark Souls, ya que a medida que estaba avanzando cada enemigo soltaba experiencia que lograba acumular, directamente si muero esa experiencia se pierde y queda en un punto en el que tengo que ir para recuperarla, me gusta eso aunque obviamente sabemos de dónde salió.


La verdad es que les puedo decir, me siento un cazador de almas cada vez que pasó una instancia sin daño alguno. Esto se vuelve cada vez más cool y lo que me gusta es que el mapeado está bien hecho, además poseo pseudo-habilidades que me permiten atacar a distancia, algo bastante útil en caso de que requiera un golpe y mi estamina esté baja, además que los enemigos suelen hacer embestidas que quitan mucha vida en corto.

Logré llegar a una especie de checkpoint en el que pude desbloquear un puente que me lleva al principio del todo, esto me será útil para cuando muera de nuevo, realmente era tedioso tener que recorrer todo desde el principio. Al menos el progreso no se pierde, pero es prácticamente como si empezáramos de nuevo, además de que la experiencia tenemos que recuperarla lo cual es un fastidio completo.

La base de este juego es potenciar las habilidades... además de la estamina obviamente

Como les dije que la experiencia prácticamente es decirle a un enemigo “Hola, tengo mucha XP, mátame” pues decidí por eso (y por las varias muertes) invertir en mejorar a mi personaje. Usé el atajo que les mencioné anteriormente para ir directamente al cubículo en el cual comenzamos, la experiencia es lo que buscas consumir y de acuerdo a la que tengas podrás mejorar más o menos.

Ya en tono decidí mejorar mis habilidades de agilidad y resistencia, ya que no creo que si mi personaje acaba su estamina en pocos golpes sea algo conveniente. Como dije (y volví a decir como 1020011010 veces en el video) la estamina es el maná o la fuente de todo en el juego, una buena administración de ella en cada ataque será lo que te ayude a vencer o en caso contrario a morir, y si vas comenzando morirás muchas veces, es lo único seguro en Immortal Planet.


Primer encuentro con un jefe.

Luego de muchas travesías, muertes y demás llegó la hora tan esperada que no puede faltar en un juego Souls-like, ¡La lucha contra el jefe!. Sinceramente esto me tomó de sorpresa ya que estaba muy verde con las mecánicas aún, aunque no tanto como al principio. De todas formas morí en el intento como era de esperarse, este jefe es jodidamente fuerte y un solo golpe que me agarrara de improvisto solo me bajaba casi toda la vida.

Morí varias veces intentándolo, la verdad es que es una batalla de resistencia y el hecho de hacer la misma pelea durante varios intentos fue tedioso, ya que tenía que recorrer el mismo camino con los mismos enemigos durante un buen rato. Al fin luego de 10 intentos (más o menos eso) logré agarrarla el truco, el jefe tiene 3 vidas y en cada una suelta una habilidad nueva, poco a poco es tener cuidado y golpearlo de manera inteligente y aprovechar cuando su estamina baje porque no podrá hacerte nada mientras se recupera.


Después de la pelea ...

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Luego de esto obtenemos un mensaje de una base de datos o máquina, es algo extraño, pero nos indica que si queremos seguir luchando contra lo que está sucediendo en el planeta debemos dirigirnos hacia el norte de la base. Solo ahí lograremos obtener una visión clara del rumbo que deberemos darle a nuestra aventura para conseguir acabar con todo este caos que está sucediendo.

El jefe fue eterno, se me hizo eterno el vencerlo por esos intentos en los que tuve que ir y venir pero valió totalmente la pena. Esa sensación de derrotar a alguien que te hace la vida imposible es sencillamente maravillosa y es algo que no experimentaba desde hace tiempo y no hubiera saber sin jugar un Souls like como este. Me va gustando poco a poco, torna la historia bastante divertida además de esos toques tenues y los jefes y enemigos.



¿Es realmente el Dark Souls 2D? La verdad es que hay que separar muchas barras en esta comparación porque Dark Souls tiene un estilo muy de él que realmente es muy difícil imitarlo a la perfección sin llegar a copiarlo directamente cambiando nombres y pequeños detalles. Esta moda de hacer juegos parecidos a Dark Souls es algo que se ha visto desde hace mucho y a día de hoy juegos lo siguen haciendo, en el caso de este se ve que tomó mucha inspiración de DS pero en mi veredicto creo que está algo lejos aún de ser lo mismo.

El juego vale mucho la pena, entretiene bastante, las mecánicas son raras si no te familiarizas con ellas pero no es nada que la práctica no pueda lograr. Sinceramente me da curiosidad de seguir explorando y ver en donde para todo, tiene pinta de ser bastante largo de primeras impresiones. Si llegaste hasta acá muchas gracias y nos vemos en la siguiente.

All Pics in the publication are captures made by me . Cover made in photoshop from 1 , 2 , 3


Todas las fotos de mi publicación son capturas realizadas por mi . Cover hecho en photoshop a partir de 1 , 2 , 3

▶️ 3Speak


Looks cool. Sort of made me want to play Furi for some reason even though it’s not really the same. I guess it was the 2D souls-like aspect of it. Awesome post and video my dude! Keep it up!


Yeah, for some reason the aura of shooting, hunting, and sword fighting becomes addictive. Man I haven't tried Furi but I looked it up and it's similar but in 3D I'll check it out to give it a try it looks dope. Thanks a lot bro!!


Indie games are indeed something.

i do like how the battle system works here, very tactic. the boss battle was cool. hard, but manageble after you understand your enemy.

have fun playing it !!


In the beginning, you get used to it after dying a lot with the mechanics. The Boss was crazy man! in the gameplay I had already catch the mechanics by the recording errors, but if you do not know anything is something that easily takes you more than 10 deaths (which took me at the beginning haha). Thanks for stopping by bro!


Sufrí con el Dark Souls original que se podría decir que tiene mecánicas más fluidas y mejor implementadas, por lo que veo, no imagino con este. De igual forma sigo estancado en el Dead Cells, no quiero tener otro juego que me ponga a sufrir pero este se ve bastante bien, aunque no me termina de convencer mucho su aspecto, hace que el juego se vea tosco y lento, o no sé si es solo una ilusión mía.


Sí, a mi también me dio esa aura y aveces se puede hacer algo pesado cuando mueres tanto y al tener que recorrer ciertas zonas para volver a donde estabas es algo tedioso también. En algunos momentos llegué a perder la paciencia, ya que algunas mecánicas como dije son algo raras y no están bien pulidas como el Dash que en vez de aprovecharlo en combo simplemente no hace nada más que te golpeen por imbécil lol. El juego está bien en muchas cosas pero eso quizás es lo clave para el que lo pruebe pueda desistir de seguir jugándolo


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The graphics you shared here are looking quite good. Unfortunately, I won't have the time or patience to explore a new game. The only blockchain games I have gotten into are Splinterlands and I am keeping tabs on Exode - that one looks really nice. Do you know it?


I'm often the same but I turn to games as an escape hehe :P I started playing Splinterlands a few weeks ago, Honestly I'm pretty bad at it but I'm slowly making progress. Exodus I haven't tried it but it looks interesting and the space topic is always something that attracts me, I'm going to check it out more.

Thank you very much for stopping by and the recommendation! It's always good to have one more game in the portfolio, and even more so the blockchain ones that I think will dominate the future of the gaming industry if everything is done right. Cheers :)


I completely get the 'gaming as an escape', I do that, and play something like No Man's Sky, when I come home from work pretty much braindead :) But usually, my escape is drawing and painting etc. my creative outlet serves as the balance to work.

Hah - I know the feeling about SL - it seems to be taking quite some time and effort to get to where some of it starts to make sense. Quite honestly, I am not entirely sure if I'm there. I still dabble in Bronze, though I could have gone up to Silver.


Oh, No Man's Sky! I like that game, there used to be a fuss about everything but I've seen that with the updates it's been able to improve a lot. And yes, every game at the beginning is confusing and Splinterlands is in that phase with me but soon we will be getting better haha.

Btw, I see you have your good gamer side, it would be cool to see you on Hive Gaming Community sharing your relaxing experience on No Man's Sky or any game you like. Remember, it doesn't have to be professional at all, it's just talking about your experience with the game from your point of view :)


I didn't play NMS back then, but I have heard that it was very buggy when first released. Now it is really pretty good. Hubby and I often play it in multiplayer and just marvel at the beauty of the planets and ships 😍.

I'll have a look at HiveGaming, tbh I am losing sight of all the communities I subscribed to. Time for a culling, I think.


Yes. That's the best thing about NMS, the developers definitely made it a more complete game. Yeah, I think the same thing about communities and that it tends to happen that we subscribe to too many lol.


Curious, are you still playing SL? I just tried to find you, because I joined a guild and was thinking of you, because they are looking for new members that also blog... but I couldn't find you under gabrielserra :(


Hey!, sorry for the delay I missed this message. Wow, how weird. Yes, I am under the same name, I haven't logged in for a few weeks but I'm in. Could it be a bug or something? Anyway, I'm a very newbie :(


NP on the comment, I sometimes go for days before I find the time to come back here.

No idea why I can't find anything under your user name - weird. Well, it is a guild for beginners :)


BTW - if you want to check us out here is the discord link - we like to chat, game, and - ahem - make some money if we can 😄

I hope you check it out, but I understand if it is not for you. It took me months before deciding to join a guild. Now I'm happy I did 😄
