RE: My thoughts on the new Splinterlands rewards system.


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The only difference is that regular soulbound cards cannot be traded for anything, whereas gladius cards can be traded for merits

We will be able to burn regular soulbound reward cards for Glint, just like we will burn Gladiators for merits.

50% More Reward For Modern

At first, I thought this was unfair toward Wild players. But we have to consider things as a whole, Glint + SPS rewards. If more people migrate to Modern, then the competition for rewards in Wild decreases and in Modern increases, with the proper adjustments for SPS rewards.


GLINTS or merits can no longer be used to purchase dollar based splinterlands assets. So gladius cards have lost that value, sadly so.

When it was burnable for DEC, after the new system, it's impossible to do this anymore .

At first, I thought this was unfair toward Wild players.

I think it's still is, but then we'd have to test it to fully know or understand this to some extent.


So gladius cards have lost that value, sadly so.

I agree that Gladius cards lost one of their use cases this way, by not being able to be burned for DEC. It looks like they want to remove almost all sources of DEC inflation, as small as they might be.

At first, I thought this was unfair toward Wild players.

I think it's still is, but then we'd have to test it to fully know or understand this to some extent.

Yeah, maybe it will be. We'll have to see it in practice.
