Looking like preparation for the encirclement on the south eastern flank!




Okay if you've been following this conflict is closely as I have you've seen this attempt to encircle a bunch of Ukrainian forces and to take a huge land grab.

Well it seems like Ukrainian forces are falling back and allowing certain areas to bulge. That increases the length of the defensive line.

That makes it a lot more difficult for the Russian forces to hold all of it and as well for them to defense Gains that they already have.

And it looks like they are walking into what I am going to guess if the war planners are paying attention to a huge encirclement of a massive amount of Russian forces that will be upcoming in the next couple months.

And the scanner attack looks like it is cleaving a really large chunk of the Russian advances which if I was the commander I wouldn't be pushing this direction.

Instead of allowing this advance to carry through they are kind of allowing and redirecting it into what looks like a larger more definitive defensive fighting fall back plan until the exhausted enemy cannot help but to lose over the cumulative losses and of course the morale.

All in all...

The suspiciously looks like a trap and I really don't see the Russian generals catching this.

And then down on the Southeast side we are looking at what is probably going to end up as being the largest encirclement with the Russian forces and the greatest military blunder of the 21th century.

I'm not going to screenshot that map however in the Southeast section I do believe and concur with this conclusion that the smart military strategy would be to drive in advancing wedge through and cut off Russian forces and trap them behind this huge lake.

I have a feeling that a smart military planner would be setting up all of these additional forces to come into play here pretty soon as well as airborne assault training because if you really could take that damn and then drive a huge wedge you would instantly cut off this denominately huge front that is poorly defended number one and number two is isolated by the geography with the backing of that lake.

Personally I see the redneck Navy getting called up? That would be actually the smartest thing ever is to have a bunch of Southerners and rednecks with all their boats and guns.

And I absolutely know that rednecks coming all shapes sizes and cultures I've even seen a Japanese redneck once.

If you have ever seen a actual Japanese speaking Japanese person dressed up like a cowboy and trying to drawl?....

You know exactly what I mean however I absolutely see a huge issue with this gigantic lake. I mean I guess the Russians could open the floodgates and see about dropping that lake so they could have an escape route for there forces to escape this upcoming encirclement however if this was my command I absolutely would be throwing 110% into this mystery operation.

Cutting off the Russian forces and taking back probably 5% of the taken territory is such an astounding advance that it probably would set up a chain of fall back that would possibly get all bogged and uncertain enough to continue repetitively falling back.

You might actually be able to push them all the way back to cry me up and start working on the advancements there while all these Russian forces are concentrated and these lines are tied up.

I have a feeling that's exactly what's happening here very quickly with the closing of the northern front leaving just the Eastern front.

You've got to realize that we are looking at probably The perfect Storm to make this entire thing happen. Let alone I'm sure there is quite a bit of secret buildups. As well as pre-planned fallback positions. And absolutely behind front lines civilians are working exceptionally hard with excavation equipment to put in infrastructure just in case breakthroughs push back the front lines.

Having the population on your side is absolutely phenomenal because of also the pretty much instant communication ability where you can have local people spotting Russian movements which have been used to extreme effectiveness.

And yet still we have absolutely no word on whether or not the rest of the world is going to end the blockade of Ukraine and allow the exporting of grain to happen.
