Putin's military Purge continues!


Well with 73 vehicles destroyed in a crazy ambush and with the continued losses of territory Putin has decided that it is time to continue purging the military.

All the leadership issues within this army is just continuing to compound themselves and instead of fixing the problems it is just easier to purge your officer base.

Basically the more that we continue to see these purges the more that we are looking at how much of an issue that is continuing to grow during this conflict.

The more that we are seeing the conflict grow the more that we really are looking at the destruction of the Russian war machine with even Russian forces complaining about being sent into combat with equipment and military hardware that is obsolete.

Just because you have a big huge pile of equipment that is not mean that this equipment is appropriate for modern combat on today's modern battlefield.

Absolutely super shocking that Russian forces have pink and such beating with the entire world shocked. As much as everybody had bet on Russia to steamroll Ukrainian forces this is looking like a upset historically that absolutely will shock the world and change the trajectory of human history.

The attempts at rebooting United Soviet socialist republics, are definitely unpopular. And now having illegal referendums in occupied Ukrainian territories is just proving how unpopular this is.

We are definitely shocked and there's a lot of pretty crazy situations in this world and this is definitely proving to be one of them.

As much as I want to know more about this conflict it seems like trying to sort through all of the different media propagandas on all sides is near an impossibility.

The biggest thing that I can say is that I really hope that this conflict is able to turn around and calm down and present much needed peace in the world.

I'm going to say a prayer for all of those individuals. There is so much craziness going on in the world that it'll be really nice for a little bit of peace to happen.


How long would this continues? Where are the United Nations it would be funny if NATO should join this very case as I perceived


NATO and the United Nations are to totally different round table organizations.
