Money and the possibilities



Money is very important to live life. Every step of the way, one realizes that it is not only difficult but impossible to lead a person's life without money. There is no doubt that money is very important. But some people understand money as everything and do not care about their relationships in front of money. When the needs of money does not met, they took quarrel between family members.

They even throw their relations like brothers and sisters into the abyss of high and low money. They stop recognizing the brothers and sisters with whom they played together in childhood. Such a wall of money stands between them that those relations remain only in name.

The rich people feel ashamed even to tell their poor relatives as their own. Those who used to be the companions of childhood happiness and sorrow. This is the glory of money. What can I say after this, money is good and bad too.

Look, everyone likes money and it should be spent. Because it is very difficult to survive life without money. But after getting the money, you should not forget your parents, brothers and sisters, because it gives a lot of trouble for your special relationship, then they are not able to bless you even if they want to, because your behavior would have confused their mind a lot. Is .

But on the contrary if you have money and you help your relatives as much as possible,
If you help where there is a great need, then you get their blessings as well and the feeling of your brother and sister's relationship with your beloved remains and the dignity of that relationship also remains.

Many people fall prey to various kinds of dirty habits after getting money which also harms their health and their respect in the society.

I do not mean to say that if you have money then you help everyone. Especially those who do not want to work. Just want to break free bread, they should not be helped at all. If a person does not work then how can he be entitled to help. A hardworking person does not take help from anyone very quickly, but sometimes situations come in life in such a way that they are in great need of help, so if their relatives do not help them, then how will it work.

If someone has a lot of money, then they should help the poor. Poor girls should get married, hungry people should be fed. Nowadays, people do big prayers to show that their name will be there. But his hand does not open in giving to the poor. How strange are the games of money.

Somewhere God has given so much money that even if he is spending money with both hands, he is not able to handle it and somewhere some poor man is struggling whole day for two times bread.
