Ladies of Hive Community Contest #52 @geritacs94

Hola amigos de #hive una vez más hago mi entrada en este interesante concurso de mujeres emprendedoras, respondiendo a la siguiente pregunta.

Hello #hive friends once again I make my entry in this interesting contest of women entrepreneurs, answering the following question.

¿Eres quien quieres ser? ¿Soñaste con ser otra cosa o te estableciste en una vida que te llevó contigo ...?

Are you who you want to be, did you dream of being something else or did you settle into a life that took you with you...?

Bueno cuando era niña tenía muchos sueños quería ser modelo, bailarina, cantante y todo al mismo tiempo pero una vez que fui creciendo me di cuenta que la realidad era otra ya que los sueños se quedan sin concretarse sino trabajamos en pro de que se cumplan.

Well when I was a child I had many dreams I wanted to be a model, dancer, singer and everything at the same time but once I grew up I realized that the reality was different because dreams remain unfulfilled if we do not work towards their fulfillment.

Así que me di cuenta lo dura que era la vida y me olvidé de muchas fantasías que tenía de pequeña centrándome en lo que de verdad quería que era tener una profesión y tratar de ser una mejor persona cada día con buenos actos y tratando de ser cada día una mejor persona.

So I realized how hard life was and I forgot about many fantasies I had as a child and focused on what I really wanted which was to have a profession and try to be a better person every day with good deeds and trying to be a better person every day.

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Me ha tocado establecerme en mi vida ya que cuando me gradué de bachiller estuve un tiempo tratando de ver qué hacía así que me dedique por un tiempo a la música aprendiendo a tocar violín y al canto lírico, luego que empecé la universidad se me hizo un poco difícil seguir asistiendo ya que el horario que tenía era fuerte.

I have had to establish myself in my life because when I graduated from high school I spent some time trying to see what I could do, so I dedicated myself for a while to music, learning to play violin and lyrical singing. After I started college it became a little difficult to continue attending because the schedule I had was tough.


Conseguí un trabajo de asistente de laboratorio por medio de un curso que hice en un pueblo a una hora de mi ciudad y tenía que viajar todos los días, era estresante porque en la mañana iba a clases y en la tarde a trabajar, asi que llegaba amo casa muy cansada.

I got a job as a lab assistant through a course I took in a town one hour away from my city and I had to travel every day, it was stressful because in the morning I went to classes and in the afternoon to work, so I arrived home very tired.

Pensé en congelar mis estudios pero nunca lo hice porque eso me iba atrasar más y no me iba a poder graduar, así que aunque metía pocas materias pero nunca dejé de estudiar.

I thought about freezing my studies but I never did it because it would put me further behind and I would not be able to graduate, so even though I was taking few subjects, I never stopped studying.

Así que he ido poco a poco pero no me desviado de mi meta que es ser una futura licenciada en Bioanálisis y ayudar al diagnóstico de enfermedades en un laboratorio clínico.

So I have gone slowly but not deviated from my goal which is to be a future Bioanalysis graduate and assist in the diagnosis of diseases in a clinical laboratory.

Todavía sigo luchando por cumplir mis metas lo bueno es que tengo salud, una familia que me apoyo y a mi novio que siempre me han dado ánimos para que yo pueda seguir adelante luchando por todo lo que quiero.

I am still fighting to achieve my goals, the good thing is that I have health, a family that supports me and my boyfriend who has always encouraged me so that I can go ahead fighting for everything I want.

Bueno me encanta participar en este concurso, invito a @noriscol, espero que muchas mujeres se sumen saludos.

Well I love to participate in this contest, I invite @noriscol, I hope that many women join me greetings.



I learned early that reality got in the way of my dreams but If it weren't the struggle to achieve our dreams perhaps we wouldn't appreciate it much more.

Thanks @geritacs94 for sharing ❤️


You have received 5 LADY (LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest.

Please note that since our LOH token is still so new, that it will be worth more if we HOLD them for a bit before trying to sell them. Some have been trying to sell them immediately after receiving them, but holding them for a bit will help them to increase in value! We are working behind-the-scenes to try to keep the price stable, but the "sell orders" are hampering the stabilization of the price of this new token. Please hold on to your tokens. Thank you! 🙂

Tenga en cuenta que, dado que nuestro token LOH todavía es tan nuevo, valdrá más si los MANTENEMOS por un tiempo antes de intentar venderlos. Algunos de ustedes han estado tratando de venderlos inmediatamente después de recibirlos, ¡pero retenerlos por un tiempo les ayudará a aumentar su valor! Estamos trabajando entre bastidores para tratar de mantener estable el precio, pero las "órdenes de venta" están obstaculizando la estabilización del precio de este nuevo token. ¡Considere esperar! ¡Gracias! 🤗

Hope you obtain full certification in Bioanalysis soon, a position in great demand in our world today. Later hopefully time will be afforded to you to enjoy your musical dreams as a hobby bringing balance in a stress filled world.
