Bromeliad Billbergia Pyramidalis



After last week's heavy rain it was the turn of my Billbergia Bromeliads to bloom. I don't remember if it bloomed this year. Of course, this plant did not bloom properly because we know that it blooms only once and then there are its offspring. I like its color and it is one of the exotic plants that I like the most because of its beautiful flower.


This time two of them have bloomed, and each one has left two offspring. What this means is that when they die I will have two new mother plants left for them to continue propagating. Now I have 5 small plants that will be in a few months the ones that will bloom.


The Bromeliad, with the rains is beginning to come out the other flower of the plant. It comes out as an extension that gradually emerges from the center of its leaves. These leaves grow in the form of a rosette, that is, one in front of the other leaf and between them a space or concavity is formed where the water remains stagnant and it is from there that the plant is nourished.

It does not need water in the root but keeps the water that falls during rains or at night in its central leaves, where organic matter from insects and plants that fall there accumulates.

This plant is epiphytic, that is, it grows on trees, but we have found a way to adapt its environment in a pot, leaving its roots superficially in the soil and adding the irrigation water in its upper leaves.


It is a plant with thin, flat, green and thorny leaves at all ends. It does not grow much, can measure up to 30 cm and the inflorescence can measure up to 20 cm.


The flower remains on the plant for about 20 days after which the plant dies leaving behind one or two offspring that will repeat the cycle again.




The pictures are taken with my Redmi note9 phone.

Thanks for your comments and votes.

I'm @gertu from Venezuela to the world.



I wish I had more shade at my place to grow more bromeliads!
