"Breaking Free from Toxic Bonds: Understanding Why People Stay and How to Empower Change"



I am deeply pleased to be sharing this piece of me with you all, also, I would love to use this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful and happiness-filled year ahead.

I will start by saying, all men are responsible for their actions. Staying in a toxic relationship or being around toxic people is the choosing of such an individual or group of persons. Seeing this topic, an incident came to my mind which I would love to share.

So there was this course mate of mine a few years back. We were discussing relationships and how we aught to be treated. She was like she loved men who beat their women, as she said and I quote "if my man doesn't beat me it shows he doesn't love me enough to correct me". I was shocked but at the end of the day it's basically her choice and her preference on what works for her.

Most people choose to say despite having numerous options to leave, while some people at the slightest sight of something toxic, they are off on their heels.


Over the years, I have come to discover that there are numerous reasons why people tend to stay in toxic relationships or places.

FEAR OF BEING ALONE: This is basically one of the major reasons why most people tend to stay put in places that are toxic and unhealthy for their mental health. Being alone is not something to wish for someone even an enemy for this on its own is a sickness that engulfs half the population of the world, so when someone tends to finally get someone who quite understands them to a point leaving later on becomes hard despite the situation they find themselves.

LOW SELF-ESTEEM AND SELF-WORTH ISSUE: This is also another major plague that makes people stay in toxic situations. Being scared that you ain't worth shit and nobody else can accept you for who you are or what you are or do keeps people stagnant in an unhealthy (toxic) place. This alone leads to most people being alone and hence when they eventually find even if it's a mutual friend who treats them like trash they still do not leave for fear of not being accepted by someone else.

EMOTIONAL INVESTMENT AND HOPE FOR CHANGE: For people in relationships, when yo have been with somebody for quite some time and eventually things start to go sour. We tend to find it hard to leave along the line due to how much invested emotionally we have already been with that person. This is basically the hardest part though, leaving someone you have seriously being emotionally attached to then the hope for change kicks in and we tend to find out selves in a fix and praying for the day the person(s) involve changes.

Other factors that makes people tend to stay in toxic relationships may be

  • Social and peer pressure
  • Sense of belonging
  • Fear of being judged

  • LACK OF LOVE FROM CHILDHOOD: Most people lacked love in childhood and hence tend to do anything possible to get this and hence leading them into toxic relationships in which sweet tone and shows of affection was used to bait them into, from the initial stages of the relationship.


They may be numerous ways to encourage people not to be in toxic relationships to help reduce the rising rate. Personally for me it think;

  • Encouraging both friends and family members to offer nonjudgmental support to victims: People these days find it hard to come out and express what they are going through, so if anybody reaches out, we should try as much as possible to offer our support in the most polite and loving way, not to go ahead and start making wrongful and hurtful comments to end up worsening the victims' situation.

  • Encourages us all (readers) to check ourselves, run a personal assessment of the relationship we are in, and try as much as possible to run a full analysis hence identifying if there are any patterns of toxic traits so we can desist from such relationships or places.

I will conclude this by saying; that at the heart of this discussion lies a simple truth: we all deserve relationships that nurture and uplift us, we deserve better


Majority of them that stays in a toxic relationships are there for their selfish interests, probably the guy is rich or the lady’s family is rich which is not enough excuse to throw their happiness away.


This is actually one major reason most people stay though.. thanks for the thoughtful comment.


Indeed, we all deserve meaningful relationships and not toxic ones. However, each of us must ensure we aren't toxic ourselves or aiding such.

Thanks for sharing this insightful write-up with us.


thanks for taking time to read, i appreciate.
