A little getaway from the city, visiting the mountains. / Una escapadita de la ciudad, de visita en la montaña.

Happy Wednesday my beautiful people who walk through this community, today I want to share with you this little walk that I made with two objectives: to visit a friend and enjoy the fresh air of the mountains.

Something I miss living in the middle of the city is to be able to breathe fresh air, since I was born I lived in a mountain area and therefore the climate is fresh and you can breathe fresh air, is what I miss most from that time of my childhood, that's why when I have an opportunity like this to visit the nearby mountains I take full advantage of being able to enjoy them.

Feliz miércoles mi gente bella que pasea por esta comunidad, hoy quiero compartir con ustedes este pequeño paseo que realice con dos objetivos visitara a una a amiga y disfrutar del aire puro de las montañas.

Algo que extraño de vivir al pleno centro de la ciudad es poder respirar aire puro, desde que nací viví en zona de montaña y por ende el clima es fresco y se respira aire puro, es lo que más añoro de esa época de mi infancia, es por eso que cuando se me presenta una oportunidad como esta de poder visitar las montañas cercanas aprovecho al máximo de poder disfrutar de ellas.


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This day I went to visit a dear friend, which for health reasons could not be visited for this reason on this day after coordinating the visit I went to her house, she lives on the hill of one of the mountains of Vigirima, climbing to her house I could see the beauty of God's creations, places where the hand of man has not reached.

Este día fui a visitar a una querida amiga, la cual por motivos de salud no se podía visitar por ello en este día después de coordinar la visita me dirigí a su casa ella vive en la loma de una de las montañas de Vigirima, al subir hacia su casa pude ver la hermosura de las creaciones de Dios, lugares en donde la mano del hombre no ha llegado.



When I met her I saw that she has a small orchard of chamomile and other beautiful flowers that beautify the environment, then we went for a walk in the surroundings we passed through a rocky area that at one time there was a stream of water.

Al encontrarme con ella vi que tiene un pequeño huerto de manzanilla y otras flores hermosas que embellecen el ambiente, luego fuimos a dar una caminata por los alrededores pasamos por una zona rocosa que en un tiempo hubo una corriente de agua.

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From there we went to see the open field where some weekends they make camps, the locals also use it as a baseball and soccer field, from there you can see the grandeur of the mountain, according to Isidra told me behind that mountain there is a very cool creek and is a good place for a family activity.

De allí fuimos a ver el campo abierto donde algunos fines de semana hacen campamentos, los lugareños también lo usan de campo de beisbol y futbol, desde allí se divisa lo grandiosa de la montaña, según me contó Isidra detrás de esa montaña hay una quebrada muy fresca y es un buen sitio para una actividad familiar.


Among the fruit trees that abound in the area are mango, avocado and tamarind, the latter we were able to enjoy its rich fruit and the acidity of it was very refreshing for the sunny afternoon.

Entre los árboles frutales que abundan en la zona están los de mango, aguacate y tamarindo, de este último pudimos disfrutar de su rica fruta y lo acido de ella fue muy refrescante para la tarde soleada.



Although this was a very short visit I could feel the fresh mountain climate, the hum of the air in my ears and the caress of the breeze on my face, on the way back we found these rocks that seemed perfect to take some pictures and after refreshing myself it was time to say goodbye.

Aunque esta fue una visita muy corta pude sentir el clima fresco de la montaña, el zumbido del aire en mis oídos y las caricias de la brisa sobre mi rostro, de regreso nos encontramos estas rocas que nos parecieron perfectas para tomarnos unas fotos y después de refrescarme llegó el tiempo de despedirme.






I thank God for the opportunity to share with Isidra that as I said at the beginning due to health conditions are few occasions in which we can share and also to you for reading and commenting.

Agradezco a Dios la oportunidad de compartir con Isidra que como dije al principio por afecciones de salud son pocas las ocasiones en que podemos compartir y también a ustedes por leer y comentar.

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I hope your friends health is improving living in a city I think it’s good to get out to where you can breathe in fresh pure air as you did in this beautiful area

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)


Looks like you guys had so much fun hiking out there in the beautiful mountains with that landscape and those pretty little flowers.

What a beautiful Wednesday walk!

I look forward to next Wednesday to see where you take us! 😃


Thanks for commenting, and yes it was very nice to enjoy some hiking.
