You never know who might be reading your life story.




My life story is one of constant growth and evolution. I have never been content to stay in one place for too long but have always been drawn to new and exciting possibilities. So every day, I write a new chapter of my life story, which is becoming more beautiful and meaningful every day.

Some people think that their destiny is set in stone, but I believe that our life is a constant exercise in creative writing. It is always possible to end the narrative with which we have described our past life, open a new chapter and start anew. The universe does this every day, constantly reinventing itself and preparing the action for the next moment. If we want to change our life story, we only have to change how we write it. Then, we can start over with a blank page and an open mind. The possibilities are endless. All it takes is a little imagination and courage to create something new. Who knows what you can make?

The first version of our story is ready, with the first characters, circumstances, gifts, and burdens. This certainly sets the stage for the future story, but it does not limit or preclude it. What we bring to this project as children of God is entirely up to us.

We can choose to write a story of love and compassion or hate and blood. We can use our gifts to bring joy to others or hoard them for ourselves. We can choose to follow God's plan for our lives or go our own way, regardless of the consequences.

What will you choose, and what will you add to your story? The possibilities are endless.

Once we have our plan, it is up to us to decide what we want to do. We can expand it along the lines laid out without deviating from the outline. We can choose to give it our all, pursue all possibilities and explore all options fearlessly and with confidence in the original plan, to try to extract the last ounce of potential from what we were given at the beginning. You decide how to proceed, but remember that the system is only a starting point: what you do with it counts.

Some say that the written word is a gift from the gods, while others think it is nothing more than a symbol to which man has arbitrarily assigned meaning. But whatever your opinion on the subject, it is undeniable that words are powerful. They can unite or divide people. They can inspire hope or fear. They can create beauty or terror. In short, words have the power to shape our reality. And that, my friends, is why I believe everyone should learn to write. Because if we know how to use the written word, we have the power to change the world.

We can spend months, even years, working on a project only to find that the masses reject it. It is not public opinion that is decisive. What matters most is His opinion. And He is always waiting and willing to examine our work with a loving and critical eye. So pick up your pen and do something with your life. You never know who might be reading.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 107 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Yes, I wholeheartedly agree to the overall great message of this post! Thank you very much for writing and sharing it here on HIVE! Much respect and gratitude for this mindset! Indeed, you pointed out very well at the end: you never know who might be reading... All the best, much health, take care, stays safe, many blessings, and great peace your way! Namaste, keep up the good work, and God bless you! 😊🙏✌️☮️


Thank you
!ALIVE !LUV !hivebits


Thank you very much! All the best and have a great day! God bless you!
