Your creative ability help you live successfully!


Creativity is an innate right that often remains hidden in everyday life. To facilitate your personal growth and development, here are some creativity tips you can use to revive, refresh and improve your creative abilities.

Sleep well, eat well, do what you love, and do it more often (if it suits your life!). Creativity decreases when the senses are turned off.

We do many things automatically: the way to work, the newspapers we read, and the TV programs we watch regularly. Change one element of your usual routine for a while. Take a different route to work, and read an extra newspaper (especially one you would never read!).

It always amazes me that people do not notice what is happening around them. Observe the area where you live/work like a tourist-how would you explore it if you were a tourist?

... and see if you can create interest by reading about it. Every topic is interesting if it is presented with enthusiasm and creativity. Do you know what you like or like what you know?

There is no need to have children as an "excuse" for it. Sit on the swing and play, draw, or paint "silly things" - have fun. Children are incredibly creative, and as adults, we can learn a lot from how they see the world.

Do nothing (unless it relaxes you), clear your head, and refresh your mind.

We are people, not objects. Sometimes our overloaded schedules and reasons do not allow us the time and space for creativity. For example, Einstein liked to surf in the evening after working in the morning. Most of us don't have that option, but you get the idea.

Have fun and see where the answers take you. And if this building could talk, what would it say? What stories would it tell?

... about the people we work with (especially if we don't like them!) Try to treat someone you don't particularly like at work as if you like them (yes, I know ...).

... As if they were a script to sell to a movie company.

Imagine their life from their point of view; they often have perspectives you would never have thought of and... Take a small notebook with you to jot down all the new ideas/feelings that come to mind.

If you do one, several, or all of these things, you will soon notice increased creativity, personal development, and fulfillment.
