Happiness: How can You Find real Happiness.


Many people seem to believe that for one to be happy they need to be wealthy, have fancy car, fat bank account, a prestigious career, a big house and the latest electronic gadgets, along with an attractive figure or six packs.

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But in actual sense that doesn't really make one really really happy because they are just temporary things.

Happiness comes from within right from inside of you, because one can actually own all the above mentioned and still be unhappy. So vital happiness is a feeling of personal dignity, or self worth.
Due to the fact that we are not perfect,and that result to our weaknesses, some of us have a nagative view of ourselves, and that makes them unhappy even with Thier wealth and they end up being depressed.
So having and building a good self esteem and confidence can help to be happy. And we all need each other so having real friends who love you and are willing to help you or even be around you in hard time can contribute to your happiness.

My personal source of happiness.

So having stated the obvious things that contribute to people happiness I personally have my own list that I hold so dearly and each time I remember them I feel so happy and relieved.


I don't allow the pressure of everyday life take my joy....the little I have makes me happy.


Yes I said hope...but hope about what?
Hope about a better feature...I really don't want to sound religious but yea!
Having an optimistic view of life and of the feature adds to my happiness. And this optimism is based on fact, not just wishful think. Soon starvation, disease, pollution, old age, sickness, or death that rob me off happiness will be no more.

Helping others

There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. According to the holy book.

I like to give people my time, attention and love. I like to make people happy in the little way I can and that contribute to my happiness.

My family and friends
When I'm around my family I feel really happy and secure. I can gist till day break whenever I'm around them even my friends can attest to that.
Ever. Since I became a mother the joy of seeing my little one grow make some funny moves just makes me so happy.


Picture of my happy sister

Although we live in a world where sadness abound because of the this we pass through.... regardless of these one can truly be happy by keeping a simple lifestyle, love yourself and show that love to others, be obedient to our creators instructions because that's the major source of our happiness.
Happiness cannot be found by amassing wealth, isolating oneself.

Thanks for reading my post.


Self love and care is one of the keys to happiness. Paying attention to oneself can make one happy.


The capacity to contribute to others happiness will make you happy, that is inevitable.
Thanks for sharing.


Yes giving helping hands to people make you feel happy too.
