Pencil portrait of a girl with horns - Original artwork.

Hello community, today I come to show you a portrait drawing that I made, I was thinking of making a normal portrait of a girl but lately I feel the need to add elements to my drawings that border on the supernatural or fantasy, It intended to be a portrait of a normal girl and When I realized it, she already had horns, and candles on the horns, and a horn in the middle of her skull, and hands holding the tip of the horns, and long earrings that reached her collarbone, and I decided to leave her alone because it was supposed to be a portrait of a girl. I hope you like it


hola comunidad, hoy les vengo a enseñar un dibujo retrato que hice, pensaba hacer un retrato normal de una chica pero ultimamente siento la necesidad de agregar elementos a mis dibujos que rayen en lo sobrenatural o fantasioso, pretendia ser un retrato de una chica normal y cuando me di cuenta ya tenia cuernos, y velas en los cuernos y un cuerno en medio del craneo y unas manos sosteniendo la punta de los cuernos y unos aretes largos que llegan hasta su clavicula y decidi dejarla hasta alli porque se supone que seria un retrato normal. espero les guste





