The obsessed king - Fairy hunter kindom.


The obsessed king was a man who in his youth when he was a prince and walked with his father through a forest seemed to see a fairy, no one ever believed a child, only his father who told him, "when you are king you can put the whole kingdom to look for that fairy" those words were only to comfort the little boy excited about what he had seen and not to lose his innocence, little did his father know that with those words he would have created a being obsessed with finding something that probably don´t exist, when he reached adulthood and his father died, upon inheriting the throne, the first thing he ordered was that they find that fairy and bring her with him, many did not understand what he had said and began to think he was crazy, when no one wanted to Heeding the order, he took a prisoner and executed him in front of everyone and saying the last words that the people of his kingdom heard, he went to his castle, he told them. "For every day that passes without me having my fairy, I will kill a prisoner and when these are over, I will start with their families"

el rey obsesionado fue un rey que en su juventud cuando era un príncipe y caminaba con su padre por un bosque le pareció ver un hada, nunca nadie le creyó a un niño, solo su padre que le dijo, "cuando seas rey podrás poner a todo el reino a buscar esa hada" esas palabras solo fueron para consolar al pequeño niño ilusionado con lo que había visto y que no perdiera la inocencia, poco sabia su padre que con esas palabras habría creado a un ser obsesionado con encontrar algo que probablemente no existía, cuando llego a la adultez  y su padre murió, al heredar el trono, lo primero que ordeno fue que encontraran a esa hada y la trajeran con el, muchos no entendían lo que había dicho y empezaron a darlo por loco, cuando nadie quiso hacer caso a la orden, tomo a un prisionero y lo ejecuto frente a todos y diciendo las ultimas palabras que escucharon los visitantes de su reino se marcho a su castillo, este les dijo. "por cada día que pase sin yo tener a mi hada, matare a un prisionero y cuando estos ya se acaben, empezare con sus familias"




