Less To Say : A Freewrite


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She was just a junior scientist and didn't have much say in the matter. She felt like she should do something, but she wasn't sure what.

There was a lot of pressure at work to keep things running smoothly, and it seemed like every time she raised concerns about the ethical nature of their experiments on animals, she got shut down by her boss. She didn't want to make waves, but she knew that if she didn't do something soon then things would only get worse. She was a new employee, so she felt like it would be better to wait until she got more settled. She didn't want to rock the boat or make waves that could get her in trouble. At first, she tried to talk with her colleagues about what was going on. But they brushed off her concerns or told her that it wasn't a problem.

She knew she had to do something, but she didn't know what.

An entry into @mariannewest every day freewrite
