It's in the Blood (Part 2 of 2)

πŸ”΄ TRIGGER WARNING | Disturbing Imagery πŸ”΄

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πŸ”΅ | βͺ PART 01 βͺ | ⏸ | πŸ”΅

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The firepit's crackles complemented the distant sounds of wolves. Dylan remembered how scared he was of the beasts when he was younger. Now, he couldn't afford childish paranoia, not when escorting his charge, the most important person - the daughter he never had.

She appeared then, like a mist in the night, summoned by a shaman of old. She sat across from him.

"You should sleep," Dylan said, stern but not surprised.

Amanda looked at him through narrowed eyes. "Like you and Nora are sleeping?"

"Someone has to keep watch -"

"Don't give me that -"

"And you are the crowned heir to the greatest nation this world has ever seen. I think you take precedent over us. Wouldn't you agree?"

Amanda poked the fire and the embers danced. "You still talk to me like I'm a child. Not the crowned heir to the greatest nation this world has ever seen."

"Now you presume to understand my role better?"

Amanda poked the fire a bit too fiercely. "It has all fallen on me..."

"Princess -"

"Tell me, Dylan, am I not the leader of the Warmatrons? General to our armies?" Dylan was silent. "I understand you are unhappy with my decision to join this party. But you cannot protect me forever."

Amanda was right, of course. Yet Dylan knew this mission was done out of petulance more than anything else, impatience to prove herself. Her damned father forced this kind of behaviour, the man had already lost two children to his ambitions. Dylan was here to make sure he didn't lose a third.

Nora appeared, starring daggers at the princess. "You should be in bed."

Amanda nodded. "So I've been told." She sighed. "How far are we?"

"Once we cross the river we are in their territory. After that? I reckon we just follow the sound of barbarian chanting."

"Ser Dylan, are the charts compiled?" Amanda had yet to look away from the flames.

"They are, princess. We will not be seen."

"And what will you be doing in this expedition, General?" Nora asked incredulously.

Amanda didn't like that tone, but she allowed it. Nora said that if they were sleeping in the dirt, five feet apart, she wouldn't coddle the princess. If the Heir Princess wanted to be on the field, she would receive an authentic experience. And Amanda agreed.

Didn't mean she had to like it. "I'll be doing this." She grabbed the hilt of her two-sided axe.

"You sure you have the strength? You won't faint at the first sight of blood?"

"We have...." Dylan began. "precautions for that."

Nora nodded, unconvinced. "I'll keep you alive, princess."

"The leader of the Warmatrons does not require assistance." Amanda sounded like she was reciting the line.

"Gods I pray so." Nora said. "We should move soon."

"We should."


They doused the flames as the first light of dawn pierced through the horizon.

By mid-day, Amanda could barely walk. Dylan was with her, while Nora was up-ahead scouting. He kept insisting they go back, she kept ignoring him. All Amanda could think of was her father's disapproving stare when she returned. She would earn a proud smile if it killed her. And if it did, then she didn't deserve to be Heir Princess. As she saw it, she was doing the only right thing she could.

Passing the river was no small feet. They couldn't go along the main roads, so they crossed where the water seemed most shallow - using branches to cross. By the end of it, she and Dylan were dead tired and soaked. But Nora insisted they push themselves until nightfall.

They were too deep in enemy territory to make a fire. Wet, exhausted, but mostly annoyed, Amanda gazed at the unfamiliar horizon. She wondered if this was how the rest of her campaigns were going to be. She needed to get used to this lifestyle. A Warmatron's place was on the field, not in some tent or pavilion.

Singing. Quiet yet distinct - to the East! Amanda stood, soon joined by the others.

Nora looked at them both. "You two are not fit to walk, let alone fight."

Amanda gave a reluctant. "Yes." and Dylan breathed a sigh of relief.

"I will scout, General. Remain in this position, the canape gives you suitable cover. I'll be back before dawn."

"And if you're not?" Amanda asked.

"Retreat." Dylan and Nora said simultaneously.

"Fine." Amanda crossed her arms. "But I want -" The sudden rush of blackness cut off the Heir Princess.

A slingshot. Had to be. Nora found cover quickly, quicker than Dylan who suffered the same fate as his not-daughter. They both lay face down on the ground while Nora was cursing a storm under her breath. Soon, blackness came for her as well.

When the princess woke, she felt sick.

An old, gnarled man danced in her view, at least she thought he was old. Her vision was so blurry... No, he wasn't old... that was a mask!

At his feet was a pile of corpses.

Amanda wretched. Her throat felt hoarse and her insides felt numb. They pinned her hands to the wall with a crude rope - it chafed at her skin. The corpses stared at her with malicious intent, their wounds long deep gashes along their skin. The man crouched, gathered some blood from one, then licked it. Gods, they were still fresh, they were -

Dylan... one was Dylan's...

She wretched again, and again, and again. And more, even though her stomach was empty and her mind was shattered. She felt dizzy and when she looked up, the world was spinning and spinning and spinning.

A familiar voice was screaming at her side. Nora. Was she asking Amanda to wake up? She wanted to wake as well, nightmares were for children, after all, right father?

Her father stood in front of her, grinning, satisfied. "Why?" She croaked. She didn't have the strength to ask more. All Amanda ever wanted was for him to be happy, to be proud of her.

The bastard's grin only grew. "Blood!" He shrieked. "Blood!"

She spat at him, defiant to the very end. He cackled. "Blood! Blood! Blood!"

The last thing General Amanda Ruthkind, Leader of the Warmatrons of Anivia thought, was home. Her mother. Her sisters. A time well remembered and loved.

She dreamed of seeing that place again, and she soon did.

As darkness took over.

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πŸ”΅ | βͺ PART 01 βͺ | ⏸ | πŸ”΅

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Obligatory shout-out to the πŸ•PIZZAπŸ• gang, πŸ€™ gang. πŸ€™

I'm not at all happy with this piece. πŸ˜…

I am yet to write a good story about the price of hubris. 😁 I consider this another failed attempt, but oh well. We'll get 'em next time!

πŸ‘Š Follow me on my HIVE blog πŸ‘Š

Image source.

Have a great weekend! Stay safe! πŸ™Œ
