Healthy Anarchism or a New Approach to Economics — What society can be (Chapter 2)


It continues my cycle of articles.
Fist chapter was here:

What society can be


Now let's imagine an "ideal society". What could it be? I would not want to talk about fairy tales, but still, I will try to put my thoughts on paper.

As for me, first, you need to try to answer the question: what is the meaning of life?

I think that the meaning of life is development. A person comes into this world to develop, becomes stronger, smarter, more talented. Development is something that a person must carry through his whole life.

A healthy society is when people living in it mainly spend their time on development in different areas, depending on their predispositions. Now we have the opposite situation. People degrade more than develop.


Someone wants to paint pictures, someone wants to write music, someone wants to build ecological houses, and someone just wants to look for themselves and learn from different teachers. Everyone should do their favorite thing and not need anything, and this is normal.

Imagine a situation where money does not have the price it has now. Now some people have to work dirty jobs for $ 1–2 an hour to feed themselves and their families. But imagine a world in which money is generated from a certain pool and distributed in sufficient quantities among the participants in the system in the form of an impeccable daily income.


That is, everyone has money and there is enough of it. This money is given to people just like that because they exist. You tell me what it is? How is it just like that? After all, then there will be many idlers who will lie on the couch and do nothing, and still receive money for it? My answer is yes! And here the fun begins.

And the interesting thing about this is that humans, by nature, cannot sit back forever. Believe me, they cannot! Let's say you have a lot of money. You can afford to buy anything and buy it. Then you don't do anything for a day, a week, a month, just playing with your new toys. And you get bored of it. You will be disappointed in consumerism and in this whole consumer race. You may even get depressed. You won't want anything. And then you enter a new stage, a stage of development. You will understand how pointless it is to chase things, and you will chase achievements. Your soul will begin to strive for the development and improvement of society.

If you have a lot of money, what would you do? Answer this question)

My idea sounds like if money is nothing and everyone has a lot of money or what he wants, then he wants nothing, consumerism will become pointless and a person enters the path of development of personality and society.


Perhaps my idea intersects with the ideas of Jacques Fresco, only I still propose to leave the money, but slightly modify it and give it a different meaning.

Thank you for being with me in this post. Follow me to read the rest of my concept.
