Restaurants: A place that the whole experience sometimes isn't worth for what you paid for.

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  My first thought about something that usually you pay more than what you receive is a restaurant product. I mentioned the word "product" instead of "food" because I include here also the whole experience (including the service) in the restaurant also counts about it. For example: Sometimes you will pay a big amount of money and try amazing food that would be worth it to pay for, but you get a bad waiter that turns your night a hell, or you wait for 3h for food, in a queue or waiting on the table (believe me it happened to me already). However, of course, there are places where you know that you are going to go through a bad experience so you prepare yourself. I knew restaurants that I knew the waiting queue was long, so in this case, we are the ones to be prepared. Even if we don't know some restaurants when we call them, the employee warns us about that, so there is room for us to choose to get prepared for this problem or just give up and try another restaurant that doesn't have this problem. However, it is bad we aren't prepared and of course depending on how much you spend you feel that you paid more for what you received.

  Minha primeira memoria sobre algo em que geralmente se paga mais do que se recebe é um produto de restaurante. Usei a palavra "produto" em vez de "comida" porque incluo aqui toda a experiência (incluindo o serviço) no restaurante, o que também conta. Por exemplo: Às vezes, você paga uma grande quantia de dinheiro e prova uma comida incrível que valeria a pena pagar, mas acaba tendo um garçom ruim que transforma sua noite em um inferno, ou espera por 3 horas pela comida, em uma fila ou esperando na mesa (acredite, isso já aconteceu comigo). No entanto, é claro que existem lugares em que você sabe que vai passar por uma má experiência, então você se prepara. Conheci restaurantes em que sabia que a fila de espera era longa, então, nesse caso, nós nos preparamos. Mesmo quando não conhecemos alguns restaurantes e ligamos para eles, o funcionário nos avisa disso, para que tenhamos a opção de nos preparar para esse problema ou simplesmente desistir e tentar outro restaurante que não tenha esse problema. No entanto, é ruim não estarmos preparados e, é claro, dependendo de quanto gastamos, sentimos que pagamos mais do que recebemos.


  The thing is that in restaurants when you see a price, you pay expecting a food quality and a experience. When you buy a 10$ Big Mac meal at McDonalds you know that you will get a Big Mac, which is not the best of the burgers around, in addition, Mcdonald's service isn't the best experience ever. So usually I receive what I pay, my expectation in that case is just to get my stomach full for that meal. However, if you decide to go on a special date with your wife and decide to pay a bit more including a glass of wine, you create a bigger expectation for that night. Last month, we went to a restaurant here, a bistro called Steel and Vines. We ordered one different plate each, they had good potential. For me the beef ribs with green apple pure and for my wife a Lamb Gnocchi. Each plate cost more than CAD$30 ( the ribs CAD$38), which is a bit more expensive than what we are used to paying in restaurants. We ate a full meal including desserts and wine, we spent more than CAD$100. It was our monthly date, which currently doesn't happen monthly, since we are having problems getting dates, so it was fine to spend that on this date. My final impressions from the restaurant: For the whole experience it wasn't worth it. The company was awesome of course, and the service was great, but the food wasn't worth that. The food despite being different didn't have a different taste to be so charged like that, from the small plate that we ordered before the main meal until the dessert. No different tastes or spices that made your mouth satisfied like you had an orgasm. I tried some restaurants that made you feel like that with reinventions. In that case, the reinvention didn't cause a great impact on me. So paying that amount of money was too much. We exited the restaurant thinking that we received less for what we paid.

  A questão é que, em restaurantes, quando você vê um preço, você paga esperando qualidade na comida e uma experiência agradável. Quando você compra uma refeição Big Mac de 10 dólares no McDonald's, você sabe que receberá um Big Mac, que não é o melhor hambúrguer por aí, além disso, o serviço do McDonald's não é a melhor experiência. Então, geralmente, eu recebo o que eu pago, minha expectativa nesse caso é apenas saciar minha fome com aquela refeição. No entanto, se você decide sair para um encontro especial com sua esposa e decide pagar um pouco mais, incluindo uma taça de vinho, você cria uma expectativa maior para aquela noite.

No mês passado, fomos a um restaurante aqui, um bistrô chamado Steel and Vines. Pedimos um prato diferente para cada um, eles tinham bom potencial. Para mim, costelas de carne com purê de maçã verde e para minha esposa, um Gnocchi de Cordeiro. Cada prato custou mais de CAD$ 30 (as costelas CAD$ 38), que é um pouco mais caro do que costumamos pagar em restaurantes. Comemos uma refeição completa, incluindo sobremesas e vinho, gastamos mais de CAD$ 100. Era nosso encontro mensal, que atualmente não acontece mensalmente, pois estamos com dificuldades para conseguir encontros, então estava tudo bem gastar isso nesse encontro.

Minha impressão final do restaurante: Para a experiência completa, não valeu a pena. A companhia foi ótima, é claro, e o serviço foi excelente, mas a comida não valia aquele valor. Apesar de ser diferente, a comida não tinha um sabor especial que justificasse o preço elevado, desde o pequeno prato que pedimos antes da refeição principal até a sobremesa. Não houve sabores ou temperos diferentes que fizessem seu paladar ficar satisfeito como se tivesse tido um orgasmo. Já experimentei alguns restaurantes que te fazem sentir assim com reinvenções. Nesse caso, a reinvenção não causou um grande impacto em mim. Então pagar aquela quantia de dinheiro foi demais. Saímos do restaurante achando que recebemos menos do que pagamos.


  I hope that on my next big date that we will use to try another big cost restaurant will be better. But I think we are going to wait for our anniversary. Until then, if we decide to go to a restaurant we will go to some that we know that we will get a good cost and benefit return. For example, there is a very good Mexican restaurant here, pretty authentic that doesn't serve only regular tacos, fajitas and etc. It has different dishes from other restaurants, such as Mexican empanadas, tortas (Mexican sandwiches), and many other different ones (I always try something different when I go). There the costs even bringing or kids costs less than half what we paid in that other restaurant. We always exit that restaurant thinking about the good deal that we made. The money that we spent was worth it.

  Espero que no nosso próximo encontro especial, quando decidirmos experimentar outro restaurante mais caro, seja melhor. Mas acho que vamos esperar pelo nosso aniversário para fazer isso. Até lá, se decidirmos ir a um restaurante, iremos escolher alguns que sabemos que teremos um bom custo-benefício. Por exemplo, há um restaurante mexicano muito bom aqui, bem autêntico e que não serve apenas tacos e fajitas comuns. Eles têm pratos diferentes de outros restaurantes, como empanadas mexicanas, tortas (sanduíches mexicanos) e muitas outras opções diferentes (eu sempre experimento algo diferente quando vou lá). Os custos lá, mesmo levando nossos filhos, são menos da metade do que pagamos naquele outro restaurante. Sempre saímos desse restaurante pensando no bom negócio que fizemos. O dinheiro que gastamos lá valeu a pena.


It's bad having to wait hours to get food, especially when you're not begging for it.

Also, food over there is quite costly however you not getting any unique or difference in the food is not good enough.

Like you said, hopefully subsequent dates would be better and glad you have that as a tradition


Yeah, I went once in a place in a small town. I friend recommended me, the best Italian food around. THe food was amazing! The cost for the food quality was proportional, but we sat in a table at 7pm and got the food at 10pm lol IT WAS CRAZY, I never go back to that restaurant again hahaha


That's terrible, and probably you paid for the order already? I would have run away after waiting for a maximum of one hour. Coming to eat already meant there was hunger, they don't have to starve me in the process. Thank you for sharing


It is disheartening to experience this, though this is common among most restaurant these days it seems their delicacy has lost it taste, you end up regretting why you had to spend that much money and a meal that didn't satisfy your taste

To make matters worst it is non refundable because you already hate the meal.

You just have to make sure you do more research before choosing a restaurant next time, like you might visit the restaurant of your choice before the big event to try out their menu so that you won't end up dissatisfied and disappointed on the day of your monthly date or anniversary.


Well, people recommended this restaurant, ok there is another one that is most recommended. But anyways I think we learn and don't come back right?


Waiting for hours before getting the food you ordered is not a good one. A restaurant should work hard in satisfying its customers. I love it when I get my food almost immediately I arrived at a restaurant. Any delay beyond 30 minutes, I am out


you are right! 30 min is enough usually! some places with a small kitchen if they are very busy it can be a little bit more, but the staff need to warn us prior!


...but the staff need to warn us prior!

If this is done, it calms nerves.


Quando eu vi o tema dessa semana eu também só pensei comida. Eu particularmente odeio gastar muito com comida e a experiência não valer a pena, é bem frustrante, kk.


Pois é mto complicado kkkkk tive ja mtos problemas vou te dizer q esse exemplo que usei nao foi o pior so foi o mais recente


Eat at home, hehehe!


Hahahhaha you know that for eating steaks i prefer at home! Difficult to find a restaurant that makes steak like me , at least here in my small town! I have already ate steaks better than mine but not here hehe
