Nature is The True Healer


We are incredibly fortunate to have nature and enjoy its beauty since it is a magical thing. From the beautiful green forests to the lovely blue oceans, it has its unique way of captivating us and filling our emptiness with wonder. It is an ever-evolving force that is powerful and gentle. Our planet has a natural rich beauty, the landscapes, the mountains, the rivers and the deserts. Each one of them is beautiful and possesses distinctive qualities. Its beauty can be seen in the colorful array of flowers and plants that grow in abundance in mostly every continent to bring joy to our hearts. The sounds of the forests and running waters, the beautiful sunrise and sunset.

It is home to different species, from the smallest ant to the greatest elephant, just as it is to us humans. The animals that inhabit nature are often stunningly beautiful. Every one of them is different and unique with bright different colors, patterns and adaptations. Besides, we all have roles to play in this theatre that we call life.

Nature is true source of joy and happiness that is available to us at any moment. In it we can see the diversity of life on our beloved planet what also inspired many artists. It makes us feel alive and connected to the source, to something greater than ourselves. Whether we swim in the ocean, climb a mountain, or wander through a forest, we feel that connection. Additionally, nature is peaceful and soothing, assisting us in de-stressing and achieving a sense of tranquilly. It can definitely reduce feelings of anxiety and depression and we can all agree with that.

Unfortunately, nature is always taken for granted despite its beauty and significance because many individuals aren't understanding its value. The delicate balance of our planet's ecosystems is at danger due to many things that we are actually aware of. Climate change, pollution and deforestation are the biggest issues. And now, it is up to us to take responsibility and protect our world and environment for our coming generations. Nature is definitely an essential part of our world and life in it. It has the power to inspire us and heal us when we real need it. And lastly, when we feel overwhelmed, depressed, anxious or lonely, nature is our only healer!

Images Source: Pixabay
