Mengambil Foto Dengan Smartphone Entry Level (Taking Photos With an Entry Level Smartphone)

Beberapa hari menjelang akhir tahun 2023, saya diajak teman saya untuk menghadiri undangan re-launching Kowloon restaurant yang telah berubah konsep menjadi pub dan bar.

A few days before the end of 2023, my friend invited me to attend the invitation to re-launch the Kowloon restaurant which had changed its concept to a pub and bar.

Acara re-launcing ini cukup meriah, dan dihadiri oleh tamu-tamu undangan khusus. Para tamu disuguhi makanan yang menjadi khas pub dan bar ini, serta dihibur dengan live music.

This re-launching event was quite lively, and was attended by special invited guests. Guests are served food that is typical of this pub and bar, and are entertained with live music.

Melihat kemeriahan yang ada di tempat itu, membuat saya tergerak untuk mengambil foto-fotonya. Alhasil saya pun menggunakan smartphone entry level Infinix Hot 30 milik saya untuk mengabadikan acara tersebut.

Seeing the excitement at that place, made me moved to take photos. As a result, I used my entry level Infinix Hot 30 smartphone to capture the event.

Smartphone tersebut memang banyak kekurangannya, tidak bisa dibandingkan hasilnya dengan smartphone highend. Walaupun begitu sayapun tetap mengambil foto-foto acara tersebut dan berusaha yang terbaik untuk itu. (hpx)

This smartphone does have many shortcomings, the results cannot be compared with high-end smartphones. Even so, I still took photos of the event and tried my best to do so. (hpx)

Kowloon Singer

Duet penyanyi pada awal acara re-launching. - Singer duet at the beginning of the re-launching event. (dok. pribadi)

Kowloon Meal

Crispy Cassava and Edamame. (doc. private)

Kowloon menu

Logo Kowloon di atas meja. - Logo of Kowloon on the table. (dok. pribadi)

Kowlooon bartender

Bar yang ada di sudut ruangan. - The bar is in the corner of the room. (dok. pribadi)

Kowloon Bartender1

Para Bartender sedang persiapan. - The bartender made the preparations. (dok. pribadi)

Kowloon Bartender4

Bartender membuat minuman untuk pelanggan. - Bartender made drinks for customers.

Kowloon Bartender5

Bartender mengocok minuman. - Bartender shaked the drink. (dok. pribadi)

Kowloon Bartender3

Bartender mengocok minuman. - Bartender shaked the drink. (dok. pribadi)

Kowloon Bartender2

Bartender menuangkan minuman yang sudah ditakar. - The bartender pours the measured drinks. (dok. pribadi)

Kowloon employee

Karyawan Kowloon memeriksa daftar tamu dan susunan acara. - Kowloon employees check the guest list and event schedule. (dok. pribadi)

Kowloon Statue2

Sebuah patung di dekat pintu masuk. - A statue near entrance.

Kowloon Statue

Patung logo Kowloon di dekat pintu masuk. - Logo Kowloon statue near entrance. (dok. pribadi)

Kowloon player

Area permainan video game yang berada di raung belakang. - The video game playing area is in the back room.

Coba bikin logo3.png


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 190 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
