You Are Never Too Late



Hello Everyone! It's another lovely Monday morning and I definitely hope this week will turn out great for everyone of us.

I'm quite sure you already know want I do on a lovely Mondays like this except this is your first time visiting my blog. Every Mondays is all about #MondayMotivation where I will be sharing with you good motivational content to keep you inspired for the week.

One of the things that sometimes make us sad as human beings is due to the fact we are unable to achieve our goals at a particular period of time. I think a weak old person with a wrinkled skin will definitely understand this aspect better. This is why you tend to see some of them living with regrets even till they get to their sick beds as a result of not fulfilling their goals when they had the strength and opportunity to do so.

Do You Know What The Worst Part of Regret?

The worst part of regret is not fulfilling one's goal or purpose until such person exit this world. We should always know that we will definitely leave this world as humans and this also explains the reason why "Death" is situated at the last part when we consider the hierarchical order of the characteristics or features of living things.

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The question you need to keep asking yourself is that are you going be happy in your state of death or are you also going to be in the category of those who are accompanied with their regrets while in the grave. The choice is yours to decide.

The Good News

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The good news is that you reading this content today is really a great gift and blessing for you because you are still alive and I also definitely hope this content will help you develop a change in mindset when it comes to achieving your goals. Always remember that when there's life, there's definitely hope and the fact that you are alive today also proves that you have a purpose to fulfil in this world and I definitely hope you will fulfil your purpose.

The Common Mistake

One of the common mistake we do make sometimes is "Self Comparison". Some people have the habit of comparing themselves to other people when it comes to their level of achievement or success. This can be a great advantage for some people and it can also turn out be a major disadvantage too.

Self Comparison will be an advantage to you provided you utilize it as a tool for "Self Motivation". This is similar to using the person whom you are comparing yourself to as a mentor or role model and not as a competition. This connotes that you strive or work hard to achieve your goals either by following the footstep of your mentor and if you are able to achieve your mentor's level of success then good for you and if you are unable to achieve your target then you must never develop any form of hatred or envious act towards someone greater than you because when you start developing this type of feelings, then Self Comparison has become a disadvantage for you because you don't feel motivated in this type of situation.

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Self Comparison has also led to most people developing depression in our world today due to the fact that some people are always comparing themselves with people more successful then them which makes them feel worthless of themselves. I will advice you desist from such act of comparison if it doesn't motivate you to become more better than you used to be. Anytime you feel sad or depressed when engaging in self comparison with people greater than you status, I suggest you compare yourself to people who are also lesser than you in achievement and status as this will definitely help to make you develop a more efficient mood and inspiration.

Self Comparison has also led to some people thinking low of themselves in the sense that they feel like giving up on their goals even while they are still active and energetic to accomplish their goals. This is mostly common to some men at an average of 40 and above whom are found of comparing themselves to youths or adults lesser than them in age which makes them feel bad or giving up on their goals because their lowers or juniors in age are doing more better than them in life. In fact, this write up is majorly for you and I definitely hope this post will get you more inspired and feel more worthy of yourself.

In Summary and Conclusion

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In summary and conclusion, there are also people who were able to achieve great level of success even after the age of 30 years and it's also great we celebrate these successful people today for their success and achievement.

Some of these successful people include Vera Wang who was once an editor at Vogue and an accessories designer at Ralph Lauren, she became successful after she designed her first dress in New York. There's no doubt that the name "Vera Wang" will continue to exist in the fashion industry due to her level of success.

Another great man of success who was able to achieve his goal despite his old age is the award winning author of a lovely book titled The Invisible Wall which was written by Harry Bernstein. This great author became very famous at age 96 after publishing his book in 2007. Today, we now have millions of people across the world reading Harry Bernstein books despite the fact that he had authored countless books which were rejected.

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If there's a particular trait or lesson I learnt from these great people, it's their consistence habit of achieving success without giving up despite their age. This implies that you can also become a crypto trader, crypto blogger, crypto enthusiasts, Blockchain developer, crypto content writer or anything you wish to become provided you have the passion and consistent effort to make it happen. This is why you shouldn't allow your age or any other condition to be an obstacle when it comes to achieving your goal and always remember you are never too late to be whom you wish to become.


About Me

I am Adebola by name and I'm also a graduate of Agricultural Engineering (BSC). I am someone who cherish self development and being productive is in my DNA, this is why I am always open to learning from anyone and I love making research. I have been in the crypto space for the past five years and my level of enthusiasm for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology keeps increasing day by day. My hobbies are reading, writing, eating, engaging in agricultural operations, travelling, designing and blogging. My skills include Content writing, Graphic Design, UI/UX (Product) Deisgn, Copywriting, Internet Marketing, Blogging, Research and Coding (Novice). Feel free to connect with me via;
Discod: Hardaeborla#103

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Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla



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