I Was Not Kidnapped Yesterday



I missed writing yesterday. I could tell you the reasons, but they would sound like excuses. And what excuse is really ever valid for not writing on Hive? I am certain there are people who have written posts while hanging upside down over cliffs. There are those who would write a post even if they somehow got kidnapped.

How a True Hivean Would Hypothetically Deal With Kidnappers

They would bargain with the kidnappers, not for food or water or release, but for a few moments of internet time to send a post to the Hive. The kidnappers, not realizing what the Hive is, might naïvely agree to this request.

Then the Hivean would submit a post that was actually a complex coded message containing his/her/their location and unique plight. The Hive community would spring to action. Those kidnappers? They would be sorry they messed with a Hivean.

Why Didn't I Post Yesterday?

Clearly, then, I should have made writing a bigger priority yesterday. Are you wondering why I didn't? No. Okay. Then skip the next paragraph.

I did something stupid. What else is new? I lifted my right leg, and felt and heard a weird and not good sensation. At first, I was able to walk on it, and then, for some reason, it was agony to step on it. It was far worse than when I broke my foot.

Because I am a big lady, the question was what to do. If I needed medical attention, I needed an ambulance, which feels humiliating, but it's just reality. On the other hand, maybe rest would help, but that seemed like extreme optimism.

I took some sleepytime meds to help me rest and not freak out about the whole not being able to walk thing. I also wanted to spare my fiancé hearing me repeat, "Well, that's it for me. They shoot lame horses, right?" This is the problem with having anything go wrong when you are already depressed. It is a short distance to the "giving up" place.

The Good News

I am afraid to trust it, but my leg feels 100% fine. I don't understand it. How can it go from agonizingly painful to completely fine? I am grateful, but anxious about it. I am still resting it just in case.

The Other Reason

The other reason I didn't post was that I was feeling despair. My father had to go to the emergency at the hospital again. He had blood in his urine. This is not resolved, but they released him so as not to throw off the schedule for his open heart surgery on January 20th. I feel less despair now that he has been released and it appears that his surgery is going forward at the planned date/time.

I am, of course, very anxious about the surgery. I can't even really think about it. I would like to be put to sleep and woken after. The anxiety is driving me crazy.


I have no conclusion. I just do my best each day, and I feel strongly that, right now, my best sucks! However, I continue to strive towards improvement. That is all I can do. I feel like things can never get better, but I remind myself that feelings are part of my illness. I think things can get better.

The difference between thinking and feeling is important in this illness of depression. I can disentangle my thoughts and find logic. My emotions, unfortunately, tend to despair.

Logically, if I engage in self-care, things may improve. (That is as positive as I get right now!)

Thank you for reading, as usual. I appreciate it!

Photo from Pixabay.


All the best for your leg and your Dad.

Haha never kidnap a hivian 😎 this woukd be a great t shirt Slogan!


That's a good advice if ever we'll get kidnapped @harlowjourney 😆. Hope you won't feel that again with your leg and that your father will be okay too. Things will really get better. 😊💕


Maybe it is a hip issue and not a leg issue? Total fricken pain a few years back after a scope job. Woke up in the most horrible pain I ever had and I needed to pee and the nurse would not let me sit up so I could relieve the pressure, she just kept pushing the pain dispenser button until they x-rayed me.

I hate those unexplained pains. Sleep does seem to help a lot of them for me, except when I wake up the shoulders hurt for a little bit until they move around some.


"And what excuse is really ever valid for not writing on Hive?"
In my case that's when I don't have something I consider worth sharing. Not the most profitable approach of course (the other way round actually) neither the most common one (again the other way round actually) but keeps the content value higher. Oh and the servers less busy :)
Stay well!


I lifted my right leg, and felt and heard a weird and not good sensation. At first, I was able to walk on it, and then, for some reason, it was agony to step on it. It was far worse than when I broke my foot.

Ouch. Hopefully nothing serious. I am happy that your leg feels fine.

My father had to go to the emergency at the hospital again. He had blood in his urine. This is not resolved, but they released him so as not to throw off the schedule for his open heart surgery on January 20th. I feel less despair now that he has been released and it appears that his surgery is going forward at the planned date/time.

Open heart surgery? Wow. I cannot even imagine the anxiety and the stress both of you and your loved ones going through. I really wish that everything will be fine. I am praying for your father.

I think things can get better.

They will do. I am sure.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.


Hello I am Fallowing you now to help support the Canada front end on Hive, a room which you have joined. I hope to interact more and soon in the room.
Oh darn, sorry to hear of the ailments in the family, i hope it will be alright. Better then being kidnapped though. Stay strong and flexible.
