Weekend-Engagement Week 155: Everyone is a Blank Canvas

The world isn't just black and white. It has a bunch of colors in it.

If someone asked me, I can liken people to a blank canvas.


When we were born, we are neither good nor evil. We are just blank entities which will later on be molded into something based on a variety of factors. For one, the environment we're born in would play a great role, I suppose.

I'm a fan of "True Crime" stories and majority of the offenders usually have a traumatic childhood which made them into monsters later on in life. Now, we can't really tell whether they were originally good or bad before they turned evil, can we?


Life is chaotic as it is. I don't think one can categorize themselves as good or bad. Maybe at times, they're better than usual and in contrast they could be worse. It really depends.

Let's go back to the crime talk...

After a certain crime was committed by someone, people around them were usually asked as to what they think about the offender... and it's just interesting when some if not most of them would say, "I didn't expect him/her to do such a thing, he/she was such a good person. He/She is friendly and helpful to everyone."

Perhaps for outsiders, they would think that it was just a tactic... a method to avoid suspicions, but for those who actually know them, it could be true.

I personally think that being a good or bad person is circumstantial. I can be good to people who are good to me. I usually have a long patience, but when it's tested at its limit, I can erupt too. But really, what's the definition of good? of bad? What we consider bad might still be accepted good by others, right?

We are all like the moon... we have our bright and dark side. The only difference is that we can voluntarily choose which side and up to what extent to show.


So yes, everyone can be good, bad or stay somewhere in between. We all have a variety of options. Sometimes, I just want to escape and stay in a place like my old painting above. It's a place where I could stay away from complicated things like... people. haha I do have a portal on the other side every time I want to socialize, though.

I can't say I'm good or bad, either. Various people have their own perception of me as well... though I don't really care much about it. xD I just try to live... a happy and peaceful life. But even that can be subjective, right?? Oh well!


Hmm, this is such deep thinking. There is a saying I agree with. It is "Life is what you make it." I think we all are given different materials, lives, and circumstances (those we cannot control) but what we do with whatever we are given is up to us.


Thanks... and that's true.
It really depends on the choices we make in life. ;)
