Crazy New Song And Video!!!! Massesect - Last Laugh Track. Joker Inspired Collaged Laughs And Images


Man there are some mad laughs and jokers here!!

Something in time for Joker week in the full moon going into Halloween!! Put a bunch of clown images and laughs together for this song and video!!! There is Krusty in there!! Various Joker laughs, Peewee Herman laughs, a couple Pennywise laughs near the end, plus some basic laugh tracks thrown in there!! Thought to be political, I want to vote Green this year, ya know...the Jokers hair is Green, I will also vote Green cause I'm from Grove Street just like CJ from San Andreas fool!!

Here is this messed up Massesect collage art song - Last Laugh Track. As part of the Y2K In 2020 Vision project I have in mind! It can be many things

Here is my main bandcamp page and Soundcloud if you like the musics -

Yea there is an election in Canada right now. In the meantime Greta Thunberg was here for a climate march!! Also there has been the Extinction Rebellion going on! I support that! I say Vote Green. This song is a bit of a satire. I do agree with what Green Party stands for.

Was glad I could make a new song like this!! Glad I could put some vocal and lyrics into it!! This joker art is what I used for the video!! Glad to put some cultural expression out there. It's important to make art that reflects the culture back to itself. Culture is what your language looks like on the outside!! And once the art is created it's out of your hands, the creator no longer owns it!! It's important to make collage art out of the culture. Find all the pieces and put it back together in a way it never was before!!

I do like Joker week!! It's allot of fun! Watching the Joker movie of 2019 got me into mixing all these joker and clown laughs together!! The song lyrics speak about the concept of Mother Earth, how pollution and ecocide is a form of incest. Don't frack your Mother Earth!! It's no laughing matter. Don't let the clown corporations and politicians get the last laugh!!

Had to make many collage art clown/joker pieces to make the video long and interesting enough. It was fun though. I like collage art of sound and visual. Making this song and video is inspiring me to make more. Keep at it and have fun.

Yea I mentioned social media and Cambridge analytica
