Etch's AFK Journey: My Progress


Etch's AFK Journey: A Powerhouse Guide from a 536k Veteran

Greetings, fellow AFK adventurers! Do you crave the thrill of conquering epic challenges while chilling on the couch? Then buckle up, because Etch, a seasoned player with a whopping 536k power level, is here to be your guide!

This isn't just another beginner's walkthrough. Here, you'll delve into the strategies and hero builds that propel players to the top. From dominating battlefields to efficiently scaling the FK Loot, I'll share the secrets that have fueled my AFK Journey and helped my guild, Hive (#1182182, Level 4), achieve greatness.

So, whether you're a seasoned adventurer seeking to optimize your team or a fresh recruit yearning to conquer the early stages, this guide has something for you. Prepare to unlock valuable insights, witness the power of a well-developed Resonance Hall, and discover how to claim victory in various game modes – all from the perspective of a veteran player who can afk for a whopping 37 hours and still make significant progress! Let the adventure begin!

Building a Powerful Guild: Hive (#1182182, Level 4)

I'm proud to be a member of Hive, a thriving guild that fosters camaraderie and growth. Together, we've reached Level 4, signifying our dedication to collaboration and conquering challenges as a team.

AFK Progress: Pushing the Limits

Currently, I've reached Stage 329 in the ever-challenging FK Loot. But the journey doesn't stop there! My AFK Max duration of 37 hours ensures consistent progress even when I'm away.

Dominating the Battlefields

  • Dream Realm: I've tackled the fearsome Necrodrakon II (Elite Challenge) and secured a spot in the top 47%, proving my team's strength. My highest damage output reaching 96.6% showcases my strategic prowess.

  • Honor Duel: With a total of 196 points and a rank within the top 26.48%, I'm a force to be reckoned with in PvP battles.

  • Arena: I've reached the prestigious Elite I tier in the Arena (1799/1900 points, level 100). Prepare for a tough fight if you cross paths with me!

  • Arcane Labyrinth: My team boasts a power of 411k, allowing me to navigate the treacherous depths of Difficulty 2. Currently, I'm at level 17/20 in the Deep Challenge, constantly pushing my limits.

Event Dominator: Taking Down Sir Originel

During the "Sir Originel" event, I displayed my mastery by achieving the highest damage output against the fearsome Roi Cyclupin, clocking in at an impressive 1,493,308 damage!

Resonance Hall: The Powerhouse of My Heroes

My Resonance Hall has reached Level 100, ensuring a solid foundation for my hero development.

Introducing My Elite Team: The Hands of Resonance

  • Antandra: This legendary warrior stands at level 110 with a power of 184,540, a testament to her crucial role in my team's offensive strategy.
  • Brutus: Another legendary powerhouse, Brutus boasts a level of 110 and a power of 188,790, serving as an impenetrable wall against enemy attacks.

  • Cecia: This legendary damage dealer sits at level 110 with a power of 187,500, unleashing devastating blows upon my foes.

  • Mirael: A legendary mage at level 100 and a power of 158,050, Mirael brings magical prowess to the battlefield.

  • Smoky & Meeky: This legendary duo sits at level 100 with a power of 156,220, adding an element of surprise and tactical agility to my team.

Unveiling the Powerhouse: Etch's Elite Team

My success in AFK Journey hinges on a carefully crafted team of heroes, each honed to perfection within the Resonance Hall (Level 100). Here's a closer look at the "Hands of Resonance" that have propelled me to victory:

1. Antandra (Legendary, Level 110, Power: 184,540):

This formidable Mauler warrior stands as the foundation of my team. Her legendary status and level 110 power showcase her crucial role in my offensive strategy. With her high defense and crowd control abilities, she absorbs enemy attacks, disrupting their formations and creating openings for my damage dealers.

2. Brutus (Legendary, Level 110, Power: 188,790):

Brutus, another legendary hero, serves as an impenetrable wall against enemy assaults. His level 110 and impressive power of 188,790 solidify his position as the ultimate tank. Brutus' resilience allows my backline heroes to unleash their full potential without fear of swift defeat.

3. Cecia (Legendary, Level 110, Power: 187,500):

Cecia embodies the raw power of my team, serving as the primary damage dealer. Her legendary status, level 110, and formidable power of 187,500 speak volumes about her destructive capabilities. Cecia unleashes devastating AoE (Area of Effect) attacks and possesses self-healing abilities, enabling her to clear waves of enemies with ease.

4. Mirael (Legendary, Level 100, Power: 158,050):

Mirael brings a touch of magic to the battlefield. This legendary mage, at level 100 with a power of 158,050, offers a potent mix of offensive spells and strategic support. While not the highest level hero in my team, her magical prowess complements the raw power of my other members.

5. Smoky & Meeky (Legendary, Level 100, Power: 156,220):

This dynamic duo adds an element of surprise and tactical agility to my team. Their legendary status and level 100 power of 156,220 belie their true strength. Smoky and Meeky's invisibility and backstab attacks can quickly turn the tide of battle, taking down enemy backline heroes before they pose a significant threat.

This combination of heroes, meticulously leveled and ascended, exemplifies a well-balanced team composition. Each member fulfills a specific role – tanking, damage dealing, support, and tactical disruption – creating a synergy that allows them to conquer even the most challenging encounters. By delving deeper into their equipment, artifacts, and skillsets, you'll gain valuable insights into crafting your own powerhouse team!

My Arsenal of Power: Artifacts

I wield the potent combination of an Enlightening Spell (+7) and an Awakening Spell (+6), further amplifying the abilities of my heroes.

Class Mastery: A Well-Rounded Approach

My Class Upgrade boasts a power of 534k with an average Resonance level of 106. This balanced development ensures I have heroes adept in various roles:

  • Support: Level 94
  • Rogue: Level 106
  • Mage: Level 98
  • Marksman: Level 101
  • Warrior: Level 100
  • Tank: Level 101

Guild Glory: Leading the Way

In the Glory Expedition, Hive has secured a commendable Rank 30 with 460 Glory Points. Additionally, in the Honor Duel, we've climbed to Rank 15, earning a total of 390 Glory Points.

This is just a glimpse into my AFK Journey! Stay tuned for further adventures as I delve deeper into the game, conquer new challenges, and refine my strategies. Feel free to leave comments below with any questions or experiences you'd like to share!


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Peace and Love
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