NFT'S : Pencil and watercolor drawing


Images source : imagineAI

Greetings, my friends from Hive!

Pencil and watercolor drawing is a beautiful combination of two mediums that allows artists to create stunning pieces of artwork. The soft lines and shading of the pencil contrast beautifully with the vibrant and fluid colors of watercolor, resulting in pieces that are both detailed and expressive.

Pencil drawing has been a popular art form for centuries, with artists using graphite to create everything from rough sketches to highly detailed portraits. The use of pencils allows artists to create a range of textures, from light and airy to bold and dark. The shading and blending techniques that can be achieved with pencils are essential to creating depth and realism in a drawing.

Watercolor, on the other hand, is a medium that has been used for centuries as well. It involves using pigments mixed with water to create fluid and translucent washes of color. The beauty of watercolor lies in the way that the colors blend and bleed into one another, creating unique and unpredictable effects.

When combined, pencil and watercolor create a beautiful contrast between the soft, precise lines of the pencil and the fluid, expressive nature of watercolor. The two mediums work together to create a piece that is both realistic and full of life.

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Peace and love
Paix et amour


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That a good work on drawing and water colour drawing, this just remind me the past day, when I was in primary school where I make use of crayons and pencil to make beautiful drawing base on little thing we can draw , that wonderful write-up, this gave me a flashback


Happy to know that, thank you for your contribution
